Chapter 24: Little Archer

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Jesse looks at Benjamin.
"So how did you and Archie meet?" She asks, wanting to make small talk. Benjamin smiles.
"Oh, well he had just recently moved from the other side of the state and he happened to move into my street. So we met at a bus stop and I was like holy fucking shit, if I have to see this boy at the bus stop everyday my head might explode. So..this went on for a little while of me trying not to have a mental breakdown over this adorable random bus stop boy. Then one day I noticed a gay pin on his blazer, and I'm basically a walking pride flag so I took that as an opportunity to talk to him, fast forward, we became good friends and then I asked him out and the rest is history" Benjamin explains.
"No no, you're not escaping that easily, believe it or not I've picked up on what everyone is like around here and I know for a fact you couldn't have just been smooth and casual with it" Jesse chuckles.
"Damn it" Benjamin grumbles.
"Hm, it was after his piano practice..I was waiting for him outside because we had planned to hang out straight afterwards and he walked out of those stupid doors looking so damn pretty that I **thought** I had said 'Holy shit date me' in my head but..." He trails off.
"You said it out loud?" Jesse asks.
"Yup, I totally botched it" Benjamin laughs. Jesse laughs with him.
"Well slightly embarrassing or not, it's a cute story" She says.
"Aww thanks!" Benjamin smiles.

Warner Approaches Bernadette as she's leaning against the car.
"What's up mumbles?" Bernadette says.
"Uh- excuse me?" Warner asks.
"Yeah I fucking heard you whispering to yourself about how it should be all or none and you 'know what you have to do' and all that creepy prophecy sounding crap. Well keep it to yourself because you already killed Annalise's mum and she doesn't have to find out that you're not just a murderer but a straight up muttering wack-job. Got it?" Bernadette whispers. Warner looks shocked and almost scared. He nods quickly.
"And I just wanted to say..that your powers are definitely fully developed..the only part left now is training them" He says. Bernadette nods and then Warner quickly walks away.
Annalise climbs out the car and stands next to Bernadette. Bernadette smiles down at Annalise and they both look around. Jesse is sitting in the back of the car, watching Benjamin draw. Annalise and Bernadette walk to the back of the car and join them.
"So you just carry drawing supplies in your bag?" Bernadette chuckles. Benjamin smiles and nods.
"Whatcha drawing?" Annalise asks, going on her tip-toes to see over his shoulder. Benjamin picks up his drawing and stares at it.
"It looks like..the truck..and all of us standing here" he says.
"Oh is this one of your future telling doodles?" Jesse rolls her eyes.
"Well what's that?" Annalise points at something at flying towards her in the drawing.
"Uh..A stick? A....dart?" Jesse guesses.

A sudden whipping sound splits through the wind. Bernadette turns around and catches an Arrow before it hits Annalise.
"Or an arrow..that works" Jesse says. Warner looks towards the trees and sees a little girl with ginger hair, a yellow t-shirt and a bow n arrow in her hands. She looks about 10 or 11 years old.
"Uh..what the fuck?" Archie says as he runs walks back to everyone and sticks the gas hose into the car. Annalise takes the arrow from Bernadette and slowly walks towards the little girl, Bernadette following close with her eyes.
"Hey...are you okay? Here.." Annalise hands the girl the arrow.
"We're not zombies don't worry.." Annalise says. The little girl stays silent. Annalise notices her bashed elbow.
"We'll bandage that up for you..are you hungry?" She asks and reaches both hands out for the girl to take. The girl straps her bow n arrow to her body and cautiously takes Annalise's hands. Annalise walks the girl back to the truck. Bernadette makes a sandwich and gives it to the girl who eats it pretty quickly.
"Poor girl must of been hungry.." Annalise says.
"So what's your name kid?" Bernadette asks. The girl blinks a few times and then she points at the grass full of clovers and daisies.
"Your name is clover?" Annalise says. The girl shakes her head.
"Daisy?" Bernadette says. The girl nods.
"Ok..Daisy, Why are you alone? You're alive which means your B-Negative blood type and that's inherited so at-least one of your parents should be alive right?" Jesse says. The girl shakes her head. Jesse, Annalise, Bernadette, Archie and Warner all look confused.
"Oh my god" Benjamin facepalms.
"She was obviously adopted dumbasses!" He yells. The girl gives a thumbs up and shrugs. "She also doesn't talk..clearly" Archie says.
"Is she deaf and that's why she can't talk?" Jesse asks.
"First of all sis, A lot of deaf people learn to talk, second of all, if she was deaf then how would she have heard me ask her name?" Bernadette rolls her eyes and shakes her head.

"So..I guess we have a kid on board now?" Benjamin asks.

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