Chapter 26: The flaming arrow of peace to the dead

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"Ok, that's them all" Bernadette Says and climbs back into the car. She starts the car and continues driving. Then she hears footsteps.
"The hell is that?" She mumbles.
"Uhhh Bernadette! I don't think that was the last of them!" Annalise yells.
"One two three four five s- OH MY GOD THE SIXTH ONE GOT BACK UP WITH NO HEAD!" Jesse screams. Bernadette sticks her head out the car and sees it.
"Holy shit!" She says, Before anyone can even think, the zombie rips the car door off of the passenger side and pulls Warner out the car. Warner shouts and flails for dear life.
"DAD!" Annalise screams Bernadette smashes the breaks with her foot and speeds out the car, she shoves the zombie who had its hands and head inside Warners torso and tearing his liver apart. Bernadette rips the zombie apart so it stays dead. Everyone rushed out the car apart from Jesse who stayed in the car with Daisy and Covered her eyes,
"It's ok's ok..." Jesse whispers to Daisy while looking petrified but trying to sound calm. Warner is barely awake.
Annalise drops to her knees, crying, she puts her hands on either side of her dads face.
"Dad please..." her tears fall on to warners chest. Bernadette drops down next to Annalise and stares at Warner in shock.
"I'm so sorry...I-I tried I swear I really did I didn't think that the zombie was gunna get u-up I mean it didn't have a fucking head, I mean how does it come back-" Bernadette is cut off by Warners weak voice.
"It's alright sweetheart..." He smiles softly.
"I know you did your best..." He then turns his head to Annalise and she grabs his hands.
"No please! Please! Don't leave me like mum did!" She screams through her tears.
"Your mum didn't leave you...That was my perfect little Annalise..." he grips her hand with any strength he has left.
"I know you're mad..and you miss your mum...And I'm sorry.." He coughs.
"For all the pain I've caused you so young...if you miss me..half as much as you miss your mother after everything I've done then I will be the luckiest ghost to exist" He sighs.
"I'm not a good person..but I will always be your dad. I love you my beautiful baby girl...Survive for me.." His grip on her hand gets looser and his hand goes stiff, his body falls limp and he exhales his last breath.

"No no no...NO! NO! WHY?!" Annalise Let's out the most blood curdling scream of emotional pain and floods her face with tears. Bernadette slowly pulls Annalise's back against her chest and wraps her arms around her from behind while they are sitting on the grass.
"Hey..I'm so..sorry..." Bernadette whispers and holds Annalise tight. Annalise cries quietly and everyone is staring at Warner with a mix of fear, worry and shock.
"We don't even have a shovel..." Benjamin says quietly. They are all sat there for about 35 minutes before Daisy and Jesse runs over.
"We could give him a Viking funeral?..well sorta" Jesse says.
"Huh?" Annalise puts her head up from Bernadette's arms.
"Cremate him..send his soul off, The kid is an Archer, Light one of her arrows on fire and...send your dad off peacefully..Annalise" Jesse says. Daisy nods.
"Ok.." Annalise says and Bernadette helps her to her feet. They all step about 15 feet away from the body. Archie wraps an old sock that was left in the car by the previous owner around the arrow head and sets it on fire with a lighter. Daisy nods and shoots the arrow, she gets a perfect shot in Warners back and his clothes set ablaze. Annalise leans Against Bernadette.
"I love you too dad.." Annalise sighs and sniffles. They stand there, watching Warners body burn and the dark smoke rise into the sky before they climb back into the car.
"Same mission?" Bernadette asks.
"Maryland here we come" Annalise sighs. Bernadette looks at Warners Burning body one more time and then Turns the key in the ignition.
"See you on the flip side you scary genius" Jesse says while sitting in the back of the car. Daisy hugs her waist and Benjamin puts his hand on Her shoulder.
"Genius indeed" He sighs. Archie smiles.
"Remember him for his Brilliance, not his choices" archie adds.

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