Chapter 19: Powers Unlocked

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Annalise walks a bit farther away from the group to pick different types of Berries. Annalise is smiling and laughing to herself as she's doing so.
"I wonder what Annalise is laughing about" Bernadette says. Benjamin and Archie both stare at her.
"Bitch how can you even hear her? She was all the way over there with Jesse and now she ain't even in sight" Benjamin says as he points to Jesse who is currently alone.
"Huh?" Bernadette looks in that direction.
"I...I don't actually know" Bernadette's face suddenly drops.
"Don't tell me of all super powers I could've got..I got super hearing or some shit" She says with a blank and unimpressed expression. Archie and Benjamin both burst out laughing at her.
"Yeah that'll help us get into the next state and fight zombies" Archie says sarcastically. Bernadette turns her head in Annalise's direction and squints her eyes, she disappears within a few seconds after that. Archie and Benjamin notice this and look around themselves.
"Bro where did she go?" Benjamin asks, Looking behind the tree she was standing next to. Another second later, they all hear a thud coming from Annalise's direction and a scream from Annalise. Bernadette had scooped Annalise up Bridal-style and ran out the way before a thick, heavy tree brand fell on top of her. Annalise stared up at Bernadette with a shocked expression and a slight smile. Bernadette looks down at Annalise who is still in her arms.
"Uh..well I could hear you laughing from over there but then I heard a tree breaking and moved on instinct I guess..." Bernadette says looking around herself. By this time, everyone had sprinted over and Bernadette put Annalise down. Bernadette's eyes still bright orange.

"So Bernadette is the fucking flash then?"Benjamin says in a loud, confused tone. Archie chuckles.
"With..super hearing?" He adds. Annalise's dad stares at Bernadette while muttering to himself.
"Hey Mr. Mumbles! Care to share with the class?" Jesse asks. The dad looks around the group and then to Bernadette.
"I believe that Bernadette is becoming the perfect soldier" he says.
"The what?" Bernadette asks.
"Think about it this way kids, Project B-negative was originally created to kill off the weak and keep one blood type and give them abilities and qualities to be perfect for war and combat correct? The perfect soldier. Obviously the project did not work as intended-" He says.
Benjamin buts in.
"Well no shit babes" he says. The dad sighs.
"Let me finish, anyway, I believe that the project had kept young Archie alive in order to go one step further with Bernadette's transformation, Super hearing, she can any threats from a far distance, hence being able to hear that branch snapping and beginning to fall before gravity itself had even fully kicked in, Super speed to move and catch Annalise at impeccable speeds and I'm guessing that Annalise also felt extremely light?" He asks Bernadette.
"Well..yeah i guess?" Bernadette says.
"Ok so Annalise is petit. This isn't new information" Benjamin says.
"With all due respect sir-" Archie says.
"Which none at all" Jesse adds. Archie rolls his eyes.
"I don't think super strength would be needed to pick up Annalise" Archie says.
"Ok guys! We know I'm small! But everything else makes sense" Annalise says.
"Yes yes..we just have to test the strength and perhaps think of what other abilities Bernadette could possess. Bernadette, be a dear and pick up that big branch that just fell would you?" The dad says. Bernadette shrugs and wraps her hands around either side of the branch and then heaves it off the ground with only a small struggle.
"Oh my god-" Benjamin says and moves next to Archie. Jesse and Annalise both gasp and Annalise's dad smiles.
"What now?" Bernadette asks.
"Throw it" the dad says simply. Bernadette holds the branch over her shoulder, leans back a little, and then launches it forward, it crossed almost the entire clearing and hits a tree on the other side, causing the animals and critters in the tree to scatter.
"Holy shiiii-, I'm strong as hell, woah that's trippy" Bernadette laughs.

Everyone stares at Bernadette and Annalise claps her hands. Bernadette looks at Annalise and then looks down and smirks a little bit. Benjamin suddenly picks up a rock and throws it at Bernadette. Bernadette catches the rock mid-air while still looking at the ground. Almost like a reflex. Bernadette looks at Benjamin.
"What the fuck dude?!" She says angrily. Benjamin puts his hands up, surrendering.
"Just checking somethin'" he says quickly. Bernadette rolls her eyes.
"Do you realize you almost smacked me in the face with that?! And you don't have perfect accuracy! You could've hit Annalise you idiot!" She says.
"Woah..Bern, chill" Archie says softly.
"Shut up a-" Bernadette starts getting more angry but Annalise looks up at Bernadette.
"Bernadette stop it!" She says. Bernadette drops the rock and blinks blankly at Annalise, complete silence.
"It seems like these powers are very emotionally triggered. Bernadette is almost..tied to my daughter" Annalise's dad says. Jesse steps in.
"Hold up, what do you mean, 'tied to your daughter'?" She asks, annoyed.
"Well, Bernadette's powers first awoke when Annalise was in danger, and she was getting angry at Benjamin and Archie for almost hitting her **and** Annalise with the rock and would not calm down before Annalise told her to stop" he explains.
"Are you seriously saying that my sister is what? Little Annalise's security lap dog?" Jesse scoffs.
"No. Bernadette still has her own feelings, emotions and free will. She's not a robot, but her super-transition heightened all of her emotions, her rage, her excitement, her fear, if she felt the need to protect Annalise before the transition started, then that need is just going to be even more amplified, what we have to figure out is why, why does Bernadette feel like Annalise needs to be protected?" He asks.
"I think we know why" Benjamin says and nudges Archie.
"Because of how we met..." Bernadette says softly.
"That's what I think, I met Annalise in the high school bathroom after Jesse poured soup down her old pinafore. I knew that Jesse bulled Annalise and I gave Annalise the clothes she is wearing right now, maybe that's why?" Bernadette suggests.
"What? Annalise you where being bullied?" Her dad asks.
"That's not the point right now dad!" Annalise says.
"Right right, well, Annalise and Bernadette met in a setting where Annalise had to be protected. Because of this, combined with all of Bernadettes feelings being amplified, Bernadette now feels the need to protect Annalise, that's why Annalise being in danger triggered Bernadette's powers and her recent anger" He explains.
"What? So you're saying it's **my** fault that my sister is now Annalise's Scary juiced up guard dog?" Jesse chuckles.
"She's not a guard dog. It's Bernadette's choice to want to protect and care for Annalise, it's just that the want that was already there has now increased" The dad says quickly. Jesse sighs and rolls her eyes.
"Yeah, ok. This isn't my fault" Jesse says.
"Nobody said it was your fault Jesse!" Benjamin blurts out.
"Even though, technically Bernadette and Annalise meeting in that situation **is** your fault, no one directly said it was! So shut the hell up!" He adds.
"Damn Benjamin..bit harsh?" Archie says. Benjamin rolls his eyes and walks away, back towards where they are going to build the fire.
Jesse stares at Benjamin walk away, then she clears her throat and walks off to go collect more berries.

"Woah.." Annalise says to break the silence. Everyone stands there awkwardly for a second, before Bernadette and Archie walk towards Benjamin, Annalise's dad goes to collect more sticks, and Annalise heads towards Jesse.

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