Chapter 25: Love confessed in conflict

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Warner rushes in front of everyone.
"No, I'm putting my foot down as the only legal adult here, We are not taking this kid on" He says.
Annalise speaks up.
"Yea! You're the only legal adult here therefore you should be pretty damn responsible but instead you used your adult freedom murder most of the damn state,including your wife with a Blood-type bomb, turn my-" she clears her throat.
"Turn my friend! Into a war machine and try to leave a kid alone in a zombie town. Oh and- who made that zombie town? Oh that's right! You! So *im* putting *my* foot down! She stays!" Annalise puts daisy on the back of the truck.
"Hey maybe Warner could ride on the roof of the car?" Benjamin shrugs. Warner clears his throat.
"That's Mr. Winters to you young man" He says. Benjamin scoffs.
"Ha! No it's not" he says and sits next to Daisy.
Archie chuckles.
"Ok babe I know that was deserved but why are you so disrespectful to people?" He asks Benjamin.
"Is he people?" Benjamin says.
"Will you kids stop talking like I am not within your ear shot?!" Warner says.
"Nah we know you're there, you just need humbled dude" Bernadette says and gives Daisy a cookie.
"You guys look like her mums or something" Jesse chuckles. Bernadette laughs awkwardly and Annalise freezes.
"Uh- I should go drive" Bernadette says.
"Y-yeah I'll stay back here" Annalise says quickly. Archie, Jesse and Benjamin all smirk at each other and Warner just stands there dumbfounded.

Warner climbs into the passenger seat of the car. Bernadette rolls her eyes at him. Jesse and Benjamin is chatting away to Daisy and telling her everything they know about the blood bomb and letting her know all about Bernadette. Annalise is smiling at Daisy and Archie is Trying to convince Annalise to confess to  Bernadette, writing with paper and a pen of course so Bernadette can't use her super hearing to listen in to what Archie and Annalise are talking about. Bernadette keeps starts the car and begins driving, the car is moving a bit slower due to the amount of people in the car but it's still a normal, quick pace for a car. They drive down a weird, winding road.
"We should be at the boarder in less than 36 hours" Bernadette says. Warner sighs.
"Why'd you sit up the front anyway?" Bernadette asks.
"Because I want you to stay away from my Daughter" Warner says. Bernadette blinks.
"Sorry you don't want your kid to have friends" Bernadette chuckles.
"Ok. Let me be more clear. I know what you think of her, and I want you to stay away from her. It wasn't a question" Warner says firmly. Bernadette sighs in annoyance.
"In case you're forgetting, I'm the one currently driving this car and I'm probably the best one to protect your daughter so I don't care if your power trip as her father makes you think you can just shun me away but you'd be stupid to get rid of someone genetically engineered to fight zombies just because I'm in love with Annalise" Bernadette says and switches gears as she's driver.
"What did you just say young lady?" Warner says angrily.
"You heard me Dickhead" Bernadette says. Both go silent and Warner is visibly uncomfortable. Bernadette smirks to herself and leans back in the seat, using her super hearing to listen to Annalise's laugh.

Daisy plays with Jesses ring and Jesse watches her happily.
"Damn didn't think you'd get the most attached to little Daisy so quick" Benjamin chuckles.
"Shut up man" Jesse rolls her eyes with a smirk. Daisy laughs while Archie and Annalise are still arguing with a piece of paper, Annalise shaking her head and Archie nodding his head and rolling his eyes. Bernadette notices A line of zombies on the road, about 6 of them.
"Yo guys! Zombie wall! She yells.
"That's a dumb name but Ok!" Jesse yells back. Daisy suddenly stands up on the moving truck.
"Woah kid!" Jesse grabs Daisy so she doesn't fall off the truck. Daisy Shoots three arrows, hitting one zombie in the chest, head and neck. Killing it.
"Woahhhh...Hardcore" Benjamin says. Archie facepalms. Bernadette climbs out the car.
"Well here goes nothing?" She says and poof, she's off, appearing behind one zombie and snapping its neck, ripping the arms off another and beheading another before finally she kills all zombies in the path. Annalise is just leaning against the side of the car, watching.
"Y'know I never thought I'd watch someone fawn over someone else murdering zombies" Archie chuckles. Annalise smacks him in the arm and signals for him to quiet.
"Ow! Damn girl..fine fine, I'm sorry" He puts his hands up in defense.
"Haha! You're scared of Annalise" Benjamin laughs.
"Get smacked off of her little hands and see who's laughing then" Archie says and Leans back on the car. Daisy is sitting back down  and Bernadette returns to the car.

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