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jeonghan fixed his gaze on the teeny-tiny clock affixed to the wall.

he squinted his eyes as he sat in the back, the clock reading 9:00 a.m. the class had only begun 15 minutes ago, but he felt like he had been sitting on the hardened piece of plastic for hours. he grumbled as he lowered his head on the desk.

why did math go by so slowly? is what he wanted to ask his teacher, a basic yet demanding man who would just dismiss jeonghan's questions as ridiculous and time-consuming.

jeonghan raised his head, his chin now resting on the mahogany-coloured desk, and casted a look at his professor. the guy was gesturing to the whiteboard with his hands, but jeonghan didn't seem to comprehend what he was doing, and his puzzled expression only got worse as his eyes panned to the board.

written on it with purple. a few blundering math equations,

he wanted to dismiss the details because he couldn't understand it.

you'd think he'd get bad grades, mainly because he was labelled as ignorant and unresponsive, but that wasn't the case; the male received B+ in math, and occasionally A's at the end of semesters.

nothing too great but he wasn't necessarily failing. so it was good in his books

he started to crack his knuckles as he watched the seconds tick away on the clock, and when it reached 9:03,

"i'm back," a cheerful voice called out, causing jeonghan to turn his head. he pushed himself back up from his laying position and stretched his arms. yawning as he bounced his head towards his friend, hong jisoo.

in his eyes, a relatively cool foreigner with odd ambitions; however, a slut in the eyes of others.

to be honest, jeonghan had no idea why jisoo was labelled a slut, he thought it was because of his attractive appearance.

jeonghan didn't seem to understand why and how having a pretty face had something to do with being a slut these days. however, if people knew jisoo as well as jeonghan did, they would not refer to him as a whore. primarily because he's a virgin with no absolute experience of sex.

though he had some sort of kink that jeonghan couldn't quite figure out, but he didn't question it.

he wouldn't even mention having a partner, and he'd offer terrible relationship advice. hong jisoo was definitely strange, and now that jeonghan was gazing at his side profile, he was thinking about all the weird things he'd done.

however, he was jolted out of his reverie when the teacher cleared his throat and spoke, "students, turn to page 430 of your math textbook." making jisoo groan, "i should've stayed out longer," the foreigner whined as he rose from his desk to grab a book, asking jeonghan,

"what's your book number again?"


"cool, i'll grab it for you,"

he nodded in response when he saw his friend sauntering over to a group of students who were taking books from the shelf. jeonghan groaned, you're so slow.

he rolled his eyes and supported his head with his hand; once he and jisoo made eye contact, he sent him an air kiss, to which jisoo just smirked; "hurry up!" jeonghan yelled, yawning shortly afterwards.

when jisoo returned, he landed jeonghan's book on the desk from a great height, causing a loud thump. he swore when their instructor turned his glaring eyes on them. they both smiled apologetically.

"one day he's gonna get sick of us" jeonghan mumbles.

"one day," jisoo said with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

he sighed, leaning back against his chair.

there's no way he was doing this shit. he could probably get wonwoo to do it for him. jisoo rolls his eyes already feeling his heart go faint from seeing the ugly hideous blue book in front of him.

"hey yoon, wake me up when class is over." he groaned, resting his head on the desk.

jeonghan hummed in response. he looked at the scuffed cover of his math textbook, which had clearly been shared by the two senior classes. however, he did not recall it being this damaged when he first saw it.

he rubbed his hands down the cover, which had scissor marks on it. though he completely ignored it, he could care less about what happens to the book.

he opened the first page and that's when he noticed it; it wasn't exactly blood boiling, but it was distracting and needless. he tightened his hold on the book's cover and took a closer look at the words

"hong jisoo is a whore."

was imprinted in red,

alongside...a bunch of childish dick drawings...?

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