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an hour-ish earlier.

"man why are we doing this on a school night.." jihoon mutters drunkly, his arm wrapped around jihoon as the music blaring in his ears was starting to get annoying and he just wanted to everyone to go home and cuddle with soonyoung

"jihoon you're just mad because soonyoung made you do all the work and now your ass hurts." junhui slurs out, smirking confidently while wonwoo pretended he did not hear that

"fuck off, you did this to me. you and your 7th inch cock." jihoon mumbles out.

"shut up jihoon, both of you are disgusting." wonwoo mutters... he was watching mingyu dance with others in the distance.

soonyoung pulls his boyfriend close to him, "it's not like you didn't enjoy it when i fucked you into the mattress earlier."

"soonie..." jihoon whines,

"wait- no i'm gonna puke-" soonyoung covers his mouth, he leaves jihoon's side and tries making it to the bathroom but he can't make it in time and he throws up in a plant.

jihoon panics, "NO THAT'S MY MOMS FAVOURITE PLANT." jihoon runs over to his boyfriend who's bent over the plant, throwing up.

"god. why did you have to drink so much.." jihoon sighs as he rubs his back, "i'm never letting you drink again."

"b-but you got me drunk." soonyoung whines

"no i didn't, you're the one who offered yourself."

soonyoung lets out a small laugh, "i love you so much hoonie."

he sits on the ground, opening his arms for the older "c'mere.." jihoon only rolls his eyes annoyedly, he lightly hits soonyoung's head, "i love you too, but get your ass off the ground. and clean the fucking pot!"

as that was happening jisoo slipped past jun and wonwoo he made his way to a quieter spot, he thought jeonghan was going to be here but he wasn't, neither was seokmin and it was starting to worry him a bit.

he steps outside to give jeonghan a call but he's surprised when he feels a pair of hands wrap against his waist, he turns around almost spilling his drink, it was seungcheol.

"hey.." jisoo mutters, his face turning red.. he puts his phone back in his pocket, and smiles at the taller,

"hey.." seungcheol whispers back, "why are you out here? it's so cold."

"well, i was waiting for jeonghan, and i was gonna call him but i guess he isn't coming so.." jisoo says, as he pulls the sleeves of his sweater over his hands,

"oh really? that's a shame, well.. i guess it's just the two of us."

"i guess it is." jisoo whispers, he wanted to enjoy this moment, his crush was standing right in front of him! choi seungcheol was finally his but he couldn't shake seokmin off of his mind.


"huh? sorry i was just thinking." jisoo says, he looks up at seungcheol who's smiling at him.

"you okay?"

"yeah i'm fine, just tired i guess." jisoo lies, he doesn't want to tell seungcheol the truth..

seungcheol smirks, leaning closer. "you know the kiss you gave me on the field was so hot, its all i kept on thinking about."

jisoo raises an eyebrow, he places his hands on seungcheol's shoulders, pushing him back so that their eyes could meet.

"what kiss?"

"the one at the field after my game." seungcheol replies, he wraps his arms around jisoo's waist and pulls him closer,

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