twenty four

124 8 2

present time:

the next morning jeonghan wakes up to the sun shining brightly through the windows.

"what the fuck," he mutters, squinting his eyes, he grabs his phone from the bedside table and looks at the time.

7:17 am

"goddamnit, why is the sun so bright?" he groans, sitting up.

he feels a hand wrap around his waist, a groan coming right after, jeonghan looks down and forgets that seungcheol begged to come over

"why is the sun so bright?" seungcheol murmurs, rubbing his eyes, "we should go back to sleep."
jeonghan scoffs, "we've got school, i'm gonna go shower."

"alright, wake me up when you're done,"

"or you can get your ass up now,"


jeonghan sighs, getting up and grabbing a towel.

"orrrr, you could ask me to join you." seungcheol asks smirking and jeonghan glares at him.


"c'mon, why not? we could have a lot of fun."

"i said no, choi."

"fine, you're missing out."


jeonghan walks out of the room and into the bathroom.

he steps inside and turns the water on, letting the water warm up while he undresses.

once it's warm enough, he steps inside and sighs as the warm water hits his skin.

after a few minutes, he finishes showering and steps out.

he dries his hair with the towel, and wraps it around his waist, walking into his room.

he stops in his tracks when he sees seungcheol lying on his bed, his shirtless.

"what are you doing?"

"taking a nap, why?"

"don't you have your own house?

"your bed is better."

jeonghan rolls his eyes and walks over to his closet, grabbing his clothes.

"you have a really nice ass." seungcheol mutters, and jeonghan freezes, turning around.

"did you just say what i think you said?"

"i'm just saying, i've got a good view."

jeonghan blushes. "shut up."

seungcheol giggles and jeonghan can't help but smile.

he quickly gets dressed, not wanting seungcheol to stare at him longer.

"now leave through the window so that no sees you in my room."

"or i could just stay here, and then walk out of your room later."

"no. go."

"why? afraid people are gonna know we fuck or something?"

"yes! remember my parents and chan don't like you!"

"fine, fine. i'm going."

seungcheol gets off the bed, walking over to jeonghan, a smirk playing on his lips.

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