twenty one

156 10 20

jeonghan let out a sigh

the day was over and he had finally made it home, he was greeted with the smell of food and his mom was cooking.

she turned her head and smiled, "hi, honey. how was school today?"

jeonghan takes his backpack off and slings it over his shoulder, "it was fine, mom. how was your day?"

"it was okay, not much happened." she says with a sigh,

she turns the stove off and grabs a bowl, "could you get the rice please?"


jeonghan puts his bag down on the kitchen table and walks over to the counter, he grabs the bowl of rice and sets it down next to the pot of food his mother cooked.

"oh! also, i have a little get together later tonight at a friends house, do you mind if i go?"

"a get together? who's hosting it?"

"um.." jeonghan was hoping she wouldn't ask that.

"uhm it's... hm..... the neighbours... neighbour...? its the house down the street, chan and i met him at that one party chan went too."

"oh." his mother doesn't say anything else and jeonghan's thankful for that.

"alright, sweetie. be careful though and make sure you're back before eleven, okay?"

"okay, mom."

"and make sure you have your phone, and money and a jacket. and be careful of the alcohol. and no smoking or drugs. and don't drink any mixed alcohol."

"i know, mom. don't worry."

his mother looks at him and she gives him a warm smile, "alright, i'll trust you."

"thank you."

she then gives him a kiss on his forehead, "you're such a good boy, my son."

"mom, please." jeonghan whines and pushes her away,

"okay, okay." his mother chuckles and ruffles his hair, "you go upstairs and get chan.. and change your clothes."

jeonghan nods and he leaves the kitchen, his stomach growling as he climbs up the stairs, he's about to open the door to his room but then he hears something coming from chan's room... he raises a brow, he walks closer to the door and presses his ear against the door.

he hears a sniffle, a cry? was that crying? he knocks on the door and waits, but when he got no response he opens the door, barging in

chan was curled up on his bed, crying.


"go away, please."

jeonghan's frown deepens, he walks into the room and closes the door, he walks over to the bed and sits on the edge.

"hey, what's wrong?"

chan shakes his head, he's curled up on his side and doesn't move.

"come on, you can tell me, what happened?"

chan stays quiet, his lips trembling and his eyes watering. "i finished watching the bridge to terabithia.."

jeonghan lets out an aggravated sigh, "are you seriously crying over a fucking movie?" he can't help but tease his brother, it was too easy.

"no! it's not just a movie!" chan sits up, he whines and looks at him, his eyes red and puffy. "it's sad!"

"okay, okay, fine. it's a sad movie, but why are you crying?"

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