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as seungcheol left, jeonghan followed behind him, "seungcheol please wait-" he grabs his hand but seungcheol whacks it away, this continued as they made it out of the house, the music getting quieter and there were less drunkards around them.

"seungcheol." there was snot running down jeonghan's nose and honestly he didn't care how messy he looked.

seungcheol stops, he turns around with a glare in his eyes, "don't fucking touch me." he spits, "i don't want anything to do with you."

"seungcheol- i didn't mean for this to get out of hand i promise." jeonghan says, he tries to grab seungcheol's hand again but seungcheol steps away,

"why? so you could make me look like a fool?" seungcheol asks, "you got what you wanted, jisoo doesn't like me anymore, i'm never gonna talk to him again."

"cheol please i didn't-"

"you didn't what? you didn't mean for this to happen? well it did and you ruined my fucking life. you're nothing but a fucking liar and i don't want you to ever talk to me again."

"i didn't mean to hurt you cheol- i-i just- i started liking you and i was scared of stopping it- i was scared of telling jisoo i didn't want him to hate me." jeonghan says,

"i don't care." seungcheol says, "what did you even like me for? i berated you constantly, i called you so much shit, i called you poor i said you were pathetic.. what did you even want from me? do you want my money?"

seungcheol was mad, he was pissed. he takes out his wallet and he starts throwing cash at jeonghan. "here, take all of it, just fuck off" he says, he doesn't care that people were looking, he doesn't care that jeonghan was crying.

jeonghan picks up the cash, he crumples it in his hands, "i didn't do this for the fucking money seungcheol." jeonghan says, "i did this because i liked you! i liked you and i didn't know what to do about it. i was scared of my feelings!"

"and so you decide to make a fool out of me?" seungcheol asks, "you decided to play me like a fucking toy?"

just thinking about it got seungcheol mad, he grabs jeonghan by the arm and slams him against one of the parked cars by the sidewalk, he then hovers closer to him, "do you get a kick out of this too? me being this fucking close to you. because it seems like you're enjoying this." he says,

"n-no.." jeonghan says, tears streaming down his face, he can smell the alcohol from seungcheol's breath and it makes him want to throw up.

seungcheol slams his fist beside jeonghan's head, he was seething. he felt so mad and he couldn't even explain why, he didn't even know if he was mad at jeonghan or mad at himself,

he grabs jeonghan's chin, making him look at him, "you're pathetic.." he spits, "you're the most pathetic person i've ever met." he says leaning in closer, their lips only a couple of inches apart.

"you're a fucking whore.." seungcheol whispers before he closes the gap between them, he kisses jeonghan roughly, " is this what you wanted?" he says in between the kiss, his hands going under jeonghan's shirt, squeezing his waist.

he recognized those lips, they were the ones he kissed, he could tell and that only pissed him off even more.

"c-cheol.. wait-" jeonghan tries to pull away but seungcheol only holds him tighter. he lets out a whimper as seungcheol kisses him again

"you're nothing but a whore." seungcheol mutters against his skin, "a fucking liar.. i can't believe i fell for this shit.. i can't believe i liked not even jisoo but you." he says as he pulls away from jeonghan

he notices jeonghan shivering, the beer he had poured over him was taking the toll on him. seungcheol felt trapped, he takes off his jacket, he throws it over jeonghan's face.

"take this and get the fuck out of here." he says, he doesn't even spare jeonghan a glance as he starts walking away,




jeonghan sniffled the entire way home, even on the bus, he smelt like alcohol, beer and his skin was sticky. he hoped his parents didn't notice when he came home. he was a mess, his hair was all over the place, he smelt like shit and he was covered in beer.

he quickly makes his way up to his room, he strips out of his clothes and hops into the shower, he doesn't even care about washing himself at the moment, he just sits down at the bottom of the shower, letting the water fall down his body.

he's sobbing again, he feels like such an idiot. he shouldn't have done what he did, he could've told jisoo when he first started talking to seungcheol, but now, he's fucked up their friendship. and he toyed with seungcheol's feelings. he feels like absolute shit.

after a couple minutes, he finally gets up and starts washing himself, he tries to get all the alcohol out of his hair. after a while he turns off the shower and wraps a towel around his waist, he quickly dries off and heads to his room.

he walks over to his dresser, grabbing his sweatpants and putting them on. he flops onto his bed with a sigh. he closes his eyes, feeling the weight of tonight's events. he was so tired, he couldn't stop crying.

he couldn't sleep, he tossed and turned for hours, he just kept replaying that night in his head. he felt like absolute shit. he had fucked up so bad.

his phone vibrates next to him, he picks it up, assuming it's probably someone asking what the fuck happened, because seungcheol made a scene, he did not exit the house quietly. he doesn't look at the notification, he throws his phone onto the floor, not caring who texted him.

the jacket seungcheol had gave him was on his bed, he brought it closer to him sniffling it a little bit, it smelled just like seungcheol. he held it tighter, his arms wrapped around it. he wanted to see him again, he wanted to apologize and he wanted to explain his side. but he knew that wasn't gonna happen anytime soon, he knows seungcheol probably never wants to see him again.

he eventually drifts off to sleep, holding onto seungcheol's jacket.

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