thirty one

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the next morning seungcheol was sitting on the couch, the sun was shining through the curtains, the sound of birds chirping was filling the room, he took the day off work, the atmosphere was peaceful, he was holding a mug of coffee, the scent was soothing,

jeonghan walks out of the bedroom, he was wearing one of seungcheol's shirts and a pair of sweatpants, his hair was messy and his eyes were puffy, he was still sleepy,

"good morning." seungcheol smiles,

"morning." jeonghan sits next to seungcheol,

"did you sleep well?"

"mm.. yes, how about you?"

"it was good," seungcheol says with a smile, he sees jeonghan yawn and he offers him his coffee, "here want a sip?"


jeonghan grabs the mug and brings it to his lips, the moment he tastes the drink he almost spits it out,

"what the hell cheol, this tastes disgusting." he groans,

"what are you talking about? it's perfect."

"its so sweet." jeonghan says as he scrunches his nose,

"that's how i like it, sweet." seungcheol giggles,

"yeah yeah." jeonghan chuckles, handing him the mug back,

seungcheol drinks the rest of the coffee and looks at jeonghan, he puts the empty mug onto the table and turns to the younger, he cups his face and plants a kiss on his lips, jeonghan's eyes flutter shut and he kisses back, his hands find their way to the older's neck, he leans into the touch and tilts his head a little, he can feel the butterflies in his stomach, the tingly feeling spreads all over his body, his heart is racing, he couldn't help but smile.

seungcheol's heart was pounding, the familiar warmth had spread all over his body, the butterflies were flying.

"aw man, you did not brush your teeth." seungcheol chuckles when he pulls away.

"fuck you." jeonghan mutters, pushing seungcheol away but then seungcheol grabs him and pulls him closer, their chests were touching,

"do you have somewhere to be today?" seungcheol asks,

"no.. why?"

"can i keep you a bit longer?"

"you're such a sap."

"i know, now can i keep you?"

jeonghan lets out a small sigh, he looks at seungcheol and he smiles, "yes, yes you can."

seungcheol smiles, he pulls away and he grabs the coffee mug making his way to the sink, "you know where i've been wanting to go? to the dog park."

"but you don't have a dog.." jeonghan mutters, seungcheol nods, "i know, i just want to watch the dogs and their owners."

"then let's go." jeonghan replies, "and afterwards we can get lunch, maybe some ice cream."

"ice cream sounds nice." seungcheol mumbles, "oh and.. dinner?" seungcheol says with a tiny smile.. "perhaps?"

jeonghan smiles, he gets up and walks towards the other, he stands on his tiptoes and plants a kiss on seungcheol's lips, "yeah.. dinner would be lovely."







seungcheol and jeonghan walked through the city, the streets were busy, the wind was blowing, the sky was clear, the sun was shining, there was not a single cloud in the sky.

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