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the next morning came, jeonghan woke up around 7 am it was early for the weekend but he was nervous about meeting up with seungcheol and jisoo for the tutoring session.. at least he'd have seokmin there with him, so it wouldn't be as awkward.

jeonghan sat up and stretched, then grabbed his phone off the bedside table. he checked the time, 7:13 am.

"ugh," he groaned, rolling out of bed and heading toward the bathroom.

as he was washing his face, his mind wandered to last night. seungcheol's harsh words still stung, the memory of them piercing his heart like a knife. jeonghan wondered how seungcheol could be so cold.

"i'll never understand him," jeonghan muttered to himself, turning off the faucet.

after drying his face and hands, jeonghan grabbed his phone from his pocket and went on instagram for a while, scrolling through people's stories... then a message came through.

from seokmin

seokmin: hyung what do i wear.. do i wear something casual or something nice for jisoo hyung?

jeonghan: remember the real motive as to why we're going... MATH.

seokmin: okay but i want to look good for jisoo hyung T^T

jeonghan: okay well.. wear something that makes you feel good.

seokmin: alright... thank you jeonghan hyung <33

jeonghan: no problem.

after putting his phone away, jeonghan went back to his room and changed into a loose black shirt and jeans. he then proceeded to brush his hair

he picked up his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. as he made his way downstairs he sees his father and chan playing chess.. he looks at them oddly. "why are you guys playing chess so early in the morning?" he asks his little brother and father.

"chan woke me up at 6 am so he could play a game," his father sighed. "we've been playing since then."

"that's an interesting way to wake up," jeonghan chuckled.

"it is," his father agreed, looking at the board. "checkmate."

chan let out a frustrated groan, pushing his chair back and walking away from the table.

"he's not taking the loss very well," jeonghan laughed, their father smirked. "he knows i'd win."

"yeah, yeah," jeonghan said dismissively, making his way to the door.

"hey, wait!" his father called out. "where are you going?"

"to the library."

"what? why? it's the weekend."

"i'm just going to meet up with some friends, we have a tutoring session," jeonghan said with a tiny smile,

"okay," his father replied, "be careful, you're gonna take the bus right?"

"yeah, the bus stop isn't too far from here," jeonghan confirmed, putting on his shoes.

"alright," his father said.

"bye dad."

"bye, have fun."

chan reemerges from his defeat, "one more round dad, let's do it!"

their father looks at chan and yawns.. "i'm too tired let me GO BACK TO BED"

"i'll beat you this time, i swear!"

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