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the school day had ended, and the nervous energy within jeonghan was palpable. he found himself pacing back and forth near the lockers, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming football game. the pressure of seungcheol's note lingered in his thoughts, and the weight of the impending kiss added an extra layer of anxiety.

he was shitting bricks, he was terrified.

jisoo who was down the hallway, he had just finished talking to seungkwan he headed over to jeonghan. "hey, you okay?"

jeonghan looks up at jisoo oh jisoo he wishes he could tell him, he gulps as he tries to give the man the most reassuring smile, "yeah i'm fine just worrying about the uh test i got after tomorrow."

jisoo rolls his eyes, "why're you worrying about that right now? you got two days to study for that shit you'll be fine."

"y-yeah you're right i'm just overthinking things, i'm good i promise," jeonghan says.

"you sure? because you're sweating profusely and look like you're gonna puke, and you're not usually like that, did something happen? was it uh... mingyu again?" jisoo asks, looking genuinely concerned.

"no, it's not mingyu, i'm good i swear," jeonghan says , jisoo nods his head slowly, "okay if you say so, i gotta go check up on something but i'll meet you at the bleachers okay?"

"o-okay," jeonghan says, jisoo gives him a gentle smile before walking away, jeonghan lets out a sigh, this was harder than he thought,  this whole thing was getting harder and harder to keep up with it, the lies were piling up and jeonghan had no clue how long he would be able to keep up the act, but he had a football game to worry about, he needed to focus on.




jisoo walked down the hall, he was on his phone, speed walking past everyone. his mind was focused on only one thing, he needed to find him, he needed to ask him the question that had been lingering in his mind since that morning.

as he walked down the hall in front of him he sees a group of men with jersey's on, he squints his eyes until he sees one number.

"choi seungcheol!" jisoo calls out, the other boys stop and stare at jisoo but seungcheol doesn't seem to hear him. jisoo walks a bit closer, "seungcheol!"

this time the man looks back, theres an immediate smile that comes upon his face, he feels himself flushing, he turns around to the people he was with. "i'll catch up with you guys on the field." he mumbles, the guys nod and they leave.

seungcheol turns his attention back to jisoo, "sooo what's up?" he asks with a suggestive tone.

"uh, yeah actually i wanted to talk to you, privately," jisoo says, glancing around, seungcheol smirks. "oh really?" he says.

"yeah," jisoo mumbles.

"i mean i don't think a janitors closet is the best place to discuss private matters," seungcheol suggests.

"that'll be fine, just, follow me," jisoo says, taking a step forward.

"anything for you jisoo," seungcheol mumbles, a soft smirk forming on his face.

jisoo's heart skips a beat, but he ignores the comment. he walks towards the closet, making sure no one sees the both of them.

the walk is quiet, they can feel the tension, jisoo opens the door and the two of them enter.

jisoo clears his throat, "okay uh so what's the uh private matter," seungcheol mumbles.

"right," jisoo sighs,

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