twenty nine

126 11 5

a little insight on how everyone else is doing 

jihoon was sat at his desk, his laptop was opened, his headphones on. he had been working on a song, it was a hobby of his. the song was going good, everything was sounding good.

the door of his room opens and a tall male enters, jihoon takes off his headphones and stares at the boy.

"hoonie.." it was soonyoung.

jihoon raises an eyebrow at the elder, "what?" he asks, his tone coming off as harsh.

"why'd you lie to jeonghan hyung and tell him that seungcheol hyung is cheating on him?" soonyoung asks, his voice was soft, he didn't want to start a fight.

"because he was pissing me off." jihoon answers, he places his headphones around his neck.

"what? by just existing?" soonyoung rolls his eyes.

"yes." jihoon says, he crosses his arms.

"y'know, jeonghan hyung is really nice, i don't understand why you don't like him-"

jihoon shakes his head, "you don't understand.. who even let you into my house?" he stands up, his eyes were glaring at the taller male.

"your mom."

"i'll kick you out myself." jihoon hisses.

"why do you hate cheol hyung?" soonyoung asks, his big brown eyes staring directly at the smaller males. "i don't hate him, i hate someone else."

"then why would you do this to him?"

"because he was a target, it wasn't even about him." jihoon answers, "i have my own reasons."

"you're not making sense, hoon." soonyoung sighs, he was tired of fighting.

"it doesn't matter."

"of course it matters! the people you hurt aren't going to just forgive you, you've hurt so many people!" soonyoung yells, his hands were clenched into fists. jihoon lets out a sigh, "and what about you? you hurt me!"


"you broke my heart! you don't even know what it feels like to have your heart broken! you don't know how it feels to be lied to and played! you're a fucking dick!"

"but-" soonyoung stares at him with pleading eyes, 

"just go away."

soonyoung's mouth hangs open, he had never seen jihoon this angry, his fists were clenched and his whole body was tense.

"hoonie, i never meant to hurt you.." soonyoung whispers, his voice was gentle.

"you're the only person i've ever given a chance! you cheated on me!" jihoon hisses at him.

"but it wasn't like that." soonyoung says.

"get the fuck out of my house."


"get out."

"i'm not leaving until you listen to me."

jihoon's eyes narrow, his eyes were glaring at soonyoung. the smaller male takes a step closer, the two were now standing inches apart.

"why the fuck do you think i'm here? i'm here to explain things to you."

"what's there to explain? you cheated on me."

"i didn't-"

"save it.." jihoon sighs, he was getting tired of arguing.

"no." soonyoung grabs him by the collar, he presses him against the wall, jihoon's eyes were wide in surprise.

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