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jeonghan hesitates for a moment before deciding to send a playful message to the mysterious number. "entertained, huh? lol i hope you're not just good with math problems," he types with a smirk, his eyes occasionally glancing over at jisoo, who is still sulking.

jeonghan wasn't so sure why jisoo didn't like seokmin, he was a nice guy, he was certainly someone jeonghan would go for but dating wasn't his main priority right now.

he stares at his phone waiting for something but then

almost instantly, a reply comes through,

jisoo's dog: i'm a master at solving problems whether they're math or smth else iykwim ;)

jeonghan can't help but chuckle, finding the mysterious person's confidence intriguing.

jisoo's dog: so textbook partner? i'm guessing?

jeonghan: yup, and you're the guy (or at least that's what im guessing) who called jisoo a whore, you must be trying to get his attention

jisoo's dog: attention? pfft nah i've already fucked jisoo before.

jeonghan raises his brow, the smirk had wiped off his face. now this guy was getting overly cocky and annoying. jisoo was a virgin, why was this person trying to wreck his image?

jeonghan: nah i don't think that happened ngl

jisoo's dog: and what makes you say that? do you know anything about him? are you the dumb idiot who follows jisoo around nonstop.... mr whats his name again....?

jisoo's dog: ah right yoon jeonghan lol

jeonghan: first of all jeonghan is a good friend and he's topping in math right now so idk what you're yapping about calling him dumb.

jisoo's dog: you sound like the nerd emoji

jeonghan: shut up

"jeonghan would you please put your phone away?" mr. park says as a few students turn around to look at jeonghan, he awkwardly nods and lowers his phone behind the desk so that he couldn't see it.

jisoo's dog: who even are you?

he redirects his attention to his phone looking at the notification, he didn't want to tell the man who he was, just to keep it interesting. oh and simply because he didn't want him to know.

jeonghan: jisoo.

jisoo's dog: hah, funny joke.

jeonghan: except its not a joke...?

jeonghan didn't think anything of it about lying being jisoo, if anything he found it funny and he'd definitely block this guy after he got annoying so it wasn't like he was tarnishing jisoo's reputation, it was playful banter.

jeonghan: if it was anyone else i doubt they would add your number, i just wanted to see who you were because it seems like you wanted my attention so bad

jisoo's dog: don't get too cocky

jeonghan: i'm not, i'm just saying what i saw

jeonghan chuckles as he finds himself now really wondering who it really was behind this.

he stares at his phone for a while before he sees the little green button beside the person's name go away, meaning he was now offline.

he lets out a sigh as he puts his phone away and turns to his textbook, he scratches out the number and decides to look at the board and pretend like he understands whatever the fuck mr.park is talking about.


the first two classes went by smoothly even if it did seem like forever. jeonghan and jisoo were now making their way downstairs to the cafeteria.

"man if you decide to sit with seokmin again, i'm gonna kill myself." jisoo says as he lets out a whine while jeonghan smirks.

"what if seungcheol's there huh??"

jisoo slightly pushes him hearing that come from his mouth "don't tease me about him douchebag." he mumbles meanwhile jeonghan continues smirking, he had a confident look in his eye.

he'd texted seokmin telling him to sit with them at lunch which meant that even though jisoo didn't want to see him... he would have too.

"let's sit there." jeonghan says pointing to a table nearby, jisoo made sure to look around before following. he was skeptical.

the two of them sat down and it wasn't long before there was a "hyung!" a sweet melodic voice coming from behind jisoo that made his smile turn upside down.

"please don't tell me that-"

"shut up he's coming." jeonghan mutters through his smile as seokmin walks up to them.

"hey seokmin!"

seokmin greeted them with a bright smile, oblivious to the internal turmoil jisoo was experiencing. jeonghan nudged jisoo teasingly, earning an annoyed glance in return.

"i just got out of math, it was terrible" he whines as he leans his head against his elbow after sitting down.. next to jisoo.

jisoo moved a little further down the bench but that didn't stop seokmin from following him, jeonghan noticed this and he cringed a little as he saw jisoo struggling to get away from seokmin.

he gave jisoo a nervous smile but then his attention turned to the word 'math'

"wait, you have math with mr.park second block right?"

seokmin nodded, "trust me when i say i would drop that class it i could." he mutters underneath his breath making jisoo roll his eyes.

"what a little multiplication makes you nervous or something?" the older teases him to which seokmin feels butterflies in his stomach... jisoo was actually talking to him for once!

"i- um-" seokmin struggled with his words but that was the least of jeonghan's worries.

"who's in your math class?" jeonghan asks with a raised brow. this would get him maybe a clue to who could be his textbook partner.

"the entire class- that might be a stretch hyung-"

"no! like just say the people we know." jeonghan says, leaning in forward and eager look in his eye.

"well there's jackson, mark lee choi seungcheol choi hansol, seungkwan, soonyoung, yujin, yeri, ryujin-"

"hansol? isn't he still abroad?" jisoo asks to which seokmin shrugs.

while jisoo and seokmin talked jeonghan narrowed his answers down, it was most likely not one of the girls, he didn't think it was them at all. he defeated the possibility of it being seungcheol because first of all he was sure seungcheol didn't even have a math textbook, secondly he knew the boy was bad at math so he was sure he had never opened a math textbook in his life.

jeonghan couldn't help but let his mind wander as seokmin continued listing classmates. his attention was now divided between the cafeteria conversation and the mysterious texter. he subtly pulled out his phone, under the desk, to continue the banter.

jeonghan: hey, whats ur name?

almost instantly the text bubbles pop up.

jisoo's dog: wanna guess? i'm on the football team

jeonghan rolls his eyes,

jeonghan: what's your number yk on your jersey

seungcheol: 14

jeonghan looks up at seokmin, "hey, who's jersey number is 14 on your team?"

"huh... 14.." seokmin seems to think about it for a second but then it clicks.

"cheol hyung!"

jeonghan feels his heart drop,

oh yeah he was fucked.

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