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the next morning, jeonghan found himself lingering under the warmth of his blankets, contemplating the inevitable ride to school with seungcheol. he groans, stuffing his face in his pillow, not eager to face the awkwardness that awaited him. as he lay there, deep in thought, the sound of footsteps approached his room.

chan barged in with a mischievous grin. "hyung, you ready for your grand adventure with mr. i got money up my ass today?" he teased, a glint of amusement in his eyes.

jeonghan turned to face chan, he raised a brow "did you just call him-"

"yes, yes i did."

jeonghan shot him a disdainful look. "anyway, cut it out, chan. you think i asked for this?"

chan got closer and nudged him playfully, "oh come on, it's like a daily dose of drama before school. i can't wait to see you two bonding in whatever he's driving."

jeonghan rolled his eyes, "bonding? more like enduring each other's presence."

chan chuckled, "well, you better be careful. you might find yourselves sharing deep life stories on the way to school. who knows, maybe you'll end up becoming fuck buddies in the back of his car."

growing increasingly annoyed, jeonghan grabbed a slipper from the floor and chucked it at chan. "get the fuck out of here with your bullshit," he grumbled.

chan dodged the slipper with a laugh, "fine, fine. just remember, i'll be expecting a full report on your newfound friendship later."

as chan left the room, jeonghan couldn't help but shake his head at his brother's antics. the prospect of spending mornings with seungcheol wasn't something he was looking forward to, and chan's teasing only added to the sense of dread lingering in the air.

jeonghan lazily got out of bed, rolling out of bed was more like it.

he let out a loud groan as he made his bed before he let out a whine, "i don't want to do this man, i don't want to do this." he continues whining to himself.

as the minutes ticked away, mrs. yoon's voice echoed from downstairs, "jeonghan, seungcheol is here. get ready for school." jeonghan shot a glance at himself in the mirror, wondering how this arrangement would unfold.

he changed his clothes and brushes his teeth, taking his sweet time because fuck seungcheol. reluctantly he finally made his way downstairs,

by the time he made it downstairs, he gave his mom a hug as she told him he's outside, waiting for him.

"have fun hyung~" chan chimes as jeonghan throws up the middle finger to him, making sure mrs yoon doesn't see.

and before he knew it he was walking to.....

"what's up princess?" seungcheol says as he takes off his helmet, revealing that same cocky good for nothing face jeonghan hated, jeonghan looks at seungcheol's ride, it was a motorcycle.

"i'm not getting on that, fuck that shit." jeonghan says as he declines the offer and starts walking down the sidewalk but seungcheol revved his bike, slowly driving alongside him.

"just get the fuck on, it's not even that bad." seungcheol says clearly getting irritated of jeonghan's behaviour.

jeonghan shot him a skeptical look. "i'm not about to be road kill. i'll take my chances with my own two feet, thank you very much."

seungcheol chuckled, "you're such a fucking drama queen. get on, it's quicker, and you might even enjoy it."

jeonghan hesitated, eyeing the motorcycle warily. "fine, but if i end up with helmet hair, you owe me," he grumbled, finally conceding and swinging a leg over the back of the bike.

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