twenty five

119 11 4

seungcheol enters his house, locking the door behind him, and he takes off his shoes and jacket.
he trudges up the stairs, going into his room and throwing himself onto his bed.

"fuck," seungcheol whispers, "this is bad, real bad."

he lays on his bed staring at the ceiling.

seungcheol couldn't lie, jeonghan's words stung him, and they were true, he was selfish, he did use him, and he was the one who initiated the relationship.

"okay you look terrible." jiyeon mutters, she walks into seungcheol's room and sits beside him, "what's wrong? did you fuck up?"


"are you sure? did you and jeonghan get into another fight?"

"we're not a couple."

"i know," jiyeon huffs, "you guys just fuck around, but the sexual tension between you guys is unbearable."

"we're just fuck buddies."

"okay, and i'm the queen of england."

"you are the queen of england."

jiyeon hits seungcheol with a pillow, making him laugh, and the two continue talking,

"i don't know how to be a good person, jiyeon," seungcheol says, his smile fading, "i've never had to be one,"

"hey," jiyeon whispers, grabbing his hands, "if you think about it fucktard, it's not that hard."

"wow thanks, that makes me feel soooo much better," he says groaning,

"you're welcome," jiyeon smiles, "but really, it's not hard, you just gotta... be there for people, listen to them, and treat them nicely, it's not that complicated."

"i don't know if i can do that, i mean, i'm pretty shit at it, i don't even have a decent relationship with my own family."

"seungcheol, just because you're shit doesn't mean you can't learn," jiyeon sighs.

"look i tried, i told him to come out of the stadium so that i could take him home cause his friends were drunk but he thought i was trying to fuck him!"

"were you?"

"no! i was actually being nice,"

"well, maybe you should start small, you know, like buy him a gift, or give him flowers, or just spend time with him."

"but he doesn't even want to hangout with me! its obvious that he only wants to be fuck buddies. he doesn't let me over because his family hates him, no one in school knows about us, and well he never wants to come over when i invite him.. so how is this my fault?" seungcheol says with a frown, "i'm not forcing him into anything, it's not like he doesn't enjoy the sex either, or that i'm doing anything to him, he's just as much of a jerk as i am."

jiyeon rolls her eyes, just what was she going to do with this man.

"look i say buy flowers show up at his doorstep and COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!" jiyeon groans, hitting him with a pillow.

seungcheol thinks about that for a while before he rubs his face,



he grabs his phone and starts searching up flower shops

"do you think he likes tulips?"

"no, everyone likes roses, duh."

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