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jeonghan bit his lip nervous, he wasn't sure what to expect, he was waiting for jisoo to get here, he was the only one missing now. wonwoo and jun had already started the english project they had been assigned with, jun had gone to get some juice and chan was just sitting there staring at the clock.

"what are you doing?" wonwoo asked as he looked up to see jeonghan looking up and down, his hands playing with his sleeves.

"nothing, i'm fine."

"you look like you're going to pee your pants."

"i'm not."

"well, then what's wrong?"

"wonwoo, seriously drop it." jeonghan mumbles.

he feels his phone buzz and he immediately checks who it is.

shua: sorry han i can't come over, i sorta fucked my ankle in pe today.

jeonghan felt a wave of nervousness overcome him.. how was he going to tell jisoo not to volunteer for the chemistry lab now that he wasn't coming over.

it'd be awkward to do it over the phone and he didn't want to go over to jisoo's just to talk about that.

he let out a sigh and just sent a simple 'get well soon'.

the rest of the afternoon was a breeze, wonwoo, jun, and jeonghan were done the english project and they had gotten everything done, jun and wonwoo ended up going home around 8.

and now jeonghan was just sitting alone in the living room.his mom wasn't home since she had a night shift, his brother was at a friends house and his dad was who knows where.

jeonghan wasn't the type of person to care, but sometimes he did get a little lonely when everyone was gone. even though it was still summer and the sun would stay up for a longer time.

jeonghan sighed, staring at the empty room. the loneliness crept in, making him realize just how quiet and still the house was without the usual chaos of his family or friends around. the lingering awkwardness from earlier still clung to him, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease.

deciding that sitting alone and brooding wouldn't do him any good, jeonghan got up and headed to the kitchen to fix himself a snack. the clock on the wall ticked away the minutes, the sound echoing in the empty house.

as he munched on some chips, jeonghan's mind drifted back to the chemistry lab predicament. he knew he had to address the situation with jisoo, but the thought of having that conversation made him uneasy. maybe he could find a way to bring it up casually, or perhaps it was better to wait until they were in a more relaxed setting.

as he sunk into his couch, he started feeling a little more lonelier than usual. he could download a dating app and fuck around on there before he gets bored and delete it after.. it was a way of getting attention for him and he found it fun.

but then he gets a notification

jisoo's dog: heard u hurt ur ankle?

jeonghan raises a brow.. he looks down at his foot but then remembers, seungcheol thinks hes talking to jisoo.

jeonghan: yeah how'd you figure out?

jisoo's dog: seokmin wouldn't stop feeling guilty about it

jisoo's dog: but anyway, that sucks. you should rest it.

jeonghan: yeah, i'm trying to. anyway, what's up with you? anything interesting happening on your end?

jisoo's dog: not much. just bored at home. maybe you can keep me company?

jeonghan sits up straight now after seeing that message, there's a huge smirk on his face.

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