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"yo where's jisoo?" jun asks jeonghan looking behind him as he sits down next to minghao, he grabbed a hot dog for both of them

"i don't know, i've been trying to call him for a while now."

"i'm sure he's just running a little late." minghao says mumbling

"i'm not sure."

jeonghan pulls out his phone again and sends another text, hoping that this one will get his attention.

"he'll be here soon."

"i'll be back." minghao says as he stretches once he gets up,

"hey, can you get me water? thanks." jun tells minghao as he goes to stand up.

minghao raises a brow, "what happened to 'we can just share one?'"

"you're going up anyway."


"just go, i don't wanna stand in line."

"what am i, your servant?" he says sending the man an air kiss



jun smiles as he watches minghao walk off, he looks back at jeonghan, who has a small frown on his face.

"why do you look so upset?"

"because jisoo's not answering my calls, i'm worried about him."

jun sighs, "he's fine, he's probably just running a little late, don't worry."

"yeah, you're right. i'm just being paranoid."

"you are, it's gonna be fine.

"damn mingyu is so hot," seungkwan mutters underneath his breath as he points to mingyu who was on the field doing stretches with the rest of the players,

"seungkwan, don't start." hansol says

"i'm just saying, he's got a great ass."

"and i'm just saying, don't start." hansol commands,

hansol rolls his eyes, "just focus on the game."

"yeah, yeah."

the two turn back towards the field. jisoo still wasn't here but jeonghan finds his attention quickly being turned to the field once the game starts.

the stadium buzzed with anticipation as the school's football team prepared for a crucial match against a formidable opponent. seungcheol, the team captain, gathered his players, exchanging resolute looks before they took their positions on the field.

the referee's whistle echoed, signaling the start of the game. the opposing team's offence surged forward, met with a solid defensive line that included players like lee hoseok, soonyoung, and seokmin. the air was charged with intensity as both teams clashed in a physical and strategic battle.

seokmin, stationed as a cornerback, faced the challenge of defending against the opponent's wide receiver. the rival player, swift and agile, executed a quick route, attempting to break free from seokmin's coverage. the crowd watched with bated breath as the wide receiver made a decisive cut, leaving seokmin a step behind.

the quarterback, under pressure from the defensive line led by seungcheol, launched a precise pass. the ball sailed through the air, and despite seokmin's desperate attempt to intercept, the rival wide receiver secured the catch. in a burst of speed, the opponent evaded seokmin and raced towards the end zone.

the stadium erupted in a mix of cheers and groans as the opposing team scored the first touchdown. seokmin, determined to make amends, shook off the momentary setback.

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