twenty eight

103 7 15

the principal, mr. lee, was pacing around his office, looking at the 6 boys, 4 of which were sitting in front of his desk, 2 of them standing by the door.

"what made you think fighting in school was a good idea? what's going to happen when colleges find out?"

"this is all jeonghan's fault."

everyone looked at the person who said that.

It was jun.

"excuse me?" jeonghan says, eyeing jun, he thought jun and him were somewhat decent friends.

"if you had just listened to him, none of this would've happened."

"listened to him? you expect me to listen to him, after finding out he fucked jihoon!"

the principal groans, "language mr. yoon! we also don't need to be airing out people's personal business."

"fuck fuck fuck fuck. i said the f word 4 times."

mr. lee shakes his head and rubs his temples.

"look, hannie, we didn't sleep together.. you can ask him yourself.. please." seungcheol pleads as he looks at jeonghan, whose arms were crossed.

"you guys are disgusting, just fuck and get it over with.." jisoo scoffs.

"you shut up.." mingyu mumbles, glaring at him.

jisoo gives mingyu a disgusted look as he help's seokmin with his bloody nose, the principal let out a huge sigh, "i contacted all of your parents."

"fuck.." mingyu and seokmin said in unison, they shared a quick glance and then looked away, mingyu leaned back into his chair and crossed his arms, his bottom lip jutted out in a pout.

"my parents are going to kill me." seokmin whispers,

"i mean.. your nose is probably broken.." jun points out.

"not helping jun.." seokmin says, glaring at him.

"i'm not saying it'll be fixed, it'll heal. eventually."

"still not helping jun.."

"oh, right. sorry."

"i can't believe this is happening.." jisoo groans, he knew how his mom was like, and how she was going to react.

"my parents are gonna kill me.." jun sighs, "you guys are the worst.."

"what the hell are we supposed to do with you kids.." mr. lee shakes his head, "you guys need to set your personal problems aside when you are at school! do you understand!?"

the 4 boys nod.

"your parents are going to have to pay for the damages lee seokmin and kim mingyu." mr. lee says as he narrows his eyes down at them,

"what- for what!?" mingyu says in an exasperated tone, "you guys hit someone's car and the window broke!"

"what?" jun asks in disbelief,

"yeah.. the car's owner was furious.." mr. lee says sighing, he then looks at jeonghan and seungcheol, seungcheol was staring at jeonghan with pleading eyes whereas jeonghan was ignoring seungcheol...

a couple of minutes pass by, maybe 15.. everyone's parents were here.. some had rushed out of work and the other's took their time..

"what happened.. why were you fighting with seokmin..?" jihei, jun's mother, asks in chinese, her hand on her son's shoulder.

"they were fighting cause of a guy."

"oh.." jihei's gaze softens and she squeezes his shoulder, jun was a little relieved that his mom didn't react as bad as he expected her to. "so you didn't do anything hm?" jihei asks to which jun nods, his mother sighs and turns to the principal, "we'll talk later, at home okay?" jihei gives him a smile, "let me deal with your damn principal for now.." she says again in chinese as she sits down in front of the principal.

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