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jisoo walks home... with his hands in his pockets and his head hung low he makes his way out of the school parking lot.

there was regret, guilt, pain and whenever he closed his eyes all he could see was seokmin crying in front of him.

if he was being honest he didn't want to go to the party anymore. he wasn't sure if he could go and look at seokmin in the eyes. he was sure the boy wouldn't be too happy with the situation and he was sure he would be avoiding him.

he had every right to, jisoo wasn't even sure he had the right to be upset. at first... jisoo didn't give a shit about seokmin but now the further he thinks about seungcheol- seokmin yelling comes into mind.

he feels guilty.

jisoo didn't realize he was already outside of his house. it was kinda dark outside.

he walked through the front door. the lights were on and there were bags thrown everywhere. his mother was probably preparing for her trip.

"i'm home" he yelled.

his mother walked in the room. "where were you? i told you to come straight home" she asked, sounding annoyed.

"i stayed back to study" he said.

she nodded.

"oh. are you sure?"

"what's that supposed to mean?"


jisoo looked down at his mother who was wearing a very nice dress and some make up.

"where are you going?" he asks defensively,

"dinner date"

"with who?"

"none of your business" she said.

"i have the right to know, you are my mom" he argued.

"well, son, i have the right to not answer that question" she replied.

"mom! please!"

"why are you being so annoying? what the fuck are you going to do? tell dad? haha, well, you can't" she laughed.

jisoo looked down.

"yeah, right, because he's not here" she continued.

"he's going to find out"

"no, he won't" she replied.

"i'll tell him"

"no, you fucking won't" she said as she slapped him.

jisoo gasped and placed his hand over the place his mom just hit.

"you better keep your mouth shut, or i'll fucking beat you up until you can't speak" she warned.


"shut the fuck up" she yelled and walked out the house.

jisoo stared at the door. he was used to this. his mom had been hitting him ever since he was little. its not like he cared, he knew he had a shitty mom but the people around his life made up for that.

growing up, it was always hard for him to make friends. he wasn't the most outgoing person and he wasn't very good at opening up either. it was the reason why he was always so angry and annoyed whenever someone so optimistic was around him.

people were too happy for him and that pissed him off.

it was also the reason why he didn't like seokmin. he was just so positive and happy that it was hard for him to accept.

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