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the next morning jeonghan got up, it was finally friday, marking it the end of the week he gets up to his annoying alarm clock.

he turns it off, letting out a sigh, he stares up at the ceiling.

jisoo stayed til 10 pm last night the two of them just talked for hours and hours and jeonghan doesn't remember what time he fell asleep at but being up at 5:30 made him feel like shit, he couldn't stop yawning.

he sat up, rubbing his eyes, he got out of bed and let out a groan as he walked to the bathroom, turning on the light, his eyes squinting from the brightness.

he stares at himself in the mirror, his hair is disheveled, his eyes are puffy, his skin is pale, and his clothes are wrinkled.

he sighs, he grabs a hairbrush and brushes his hair.

he puts the brush down and walks out of the bathroom, he goes to his closet, he takes out his school uniform, putting it on, he ties his tie around his neck, making sure it's not crooked.

he lets out a sigh, looking down, his hands shake as he does the buttons on his shirt, he feels his palms sweating.

he shakes his head, trying to ignore the feeling, he finishes buttoning his shirt, he grabs a black belt, putting it around his waist, tying it,

he stands in front of his mirror, staring at himself, his expression is blank, his eyes are lifeless, his skin is pale, his lips are chapped.

he feels his throat drying, his chest tightening, he feels his palms sweating, his heart racing. "why do i look like shit what the hell."

he shakes his head, his hands still shaking, he grabs a brush and runs it through his hair, the brush catches on a tangle and he hisses, tugging it loose.

he lets out a sigh, setting down the brush, he picks up his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder.

"this is fucking bullshit."

jeonghan mutters to himself, he sighs and walks out of his room, his footsteps are slow and quiet, everyone else was still asleep but he got up early to get to school on time.

he walked down the hallway and to the living room, he stopped at the front door and let out a sigh, he opens it and walks outside,

the sun wasn't out yet, it was dark outside and a cold breeze hit his face.

jeonghan felt goosebumps rise up on his skin, a shiver running down his spine, his hands were still shaking.

he lets out a shaky sigh, taking a deep breath, his stomach twisted, he felt sick, his throat was dry, his mouth was filled with cotton. he felt so nauseous and he wasn't sure why.. maybe he should just stay at home?

jeonghan thought about it, he was probably just tired from last night, maybe he was coming down with something, but the last thing he needed was for his parents to know that.

he shook his head, deciding that he wasn't going to let them know anything, he started walking to the bus stop, his legs felt heavy and his stomach twisted, his skin was crawling and his heart was racing, his palms were sweating.

he didn't understand why he felt so nauseous, so sick, so weak.

"ok fuck this, just yolo through the day jeonghan." he murmurs to himself.

jeonghan gets on the bus, taking his seat and putting his backpack on his lap. he looks out the window and watches as the world passes by.

everything seemed so much slower, so much quieter, the trees were moving slowly, the buildings were blurry, the cars were moving lazily.

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