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if there was something that was on jeonghan's mind throughout the week it was the fact that he had not seen seungcheol in the school other than chemistry class. it was weird, seungcheol always walked with his group of friends, but this week he was nowhere to be found, not even around mingyu.

jeonghan didn't let himself think too much of it, especially since seungcheol made it very clear that he didn't want him in his life at all.

jeonghan respected that, and tried his best to ignore the older.

so there he was in chem class scrolling through his phone waiting for mrs. kim to come in and talk for the next hour and 30 while minghao sat next to him sketching something in his sketchbook, a few doodles here and there.

"mr. yoon, phone away. mr. xu, put your sketchbook away" the teacher said as she entered the room, not making any eye contact with the two boys. "class, please put your phones away and start writing down notes. today we will be starting the chemical kinetics."

minghao looked over at jeonghan and smiled as he started to write down notes, the blondie rolling his eyes.

he didn't know why, but he just wasn't feeling like taking notes, maybe it was the fact that it was thursday and the school week was almost over, or that he wasn't paying attention.

either way, he knew that mrs. kim was not going to stop the lesson for him, so he pulled out his sketchbook and began doodling in it.

as soon as he picked up his pencil the door of the classroom opened, and the teacher stopped speaking.

"seungcheol, it's good to see you back in my class. you've been not showing up for two days.. let me remind you that ditching my class is not the way to pass. you need the credits, and if you continue doing this then you'll be failing and have to repeat senior year." mrs. kim spoke as the boy walked into the classroom, the rest of the class looking at him.

"it's nice to be back, i guess" seungcheol shrugged, taking his usual seat behind jeonghan.

mingyu wasn't in class today so seungcheol was sitting alone, or at least that's what he though until the classroom door opens again,

"hey mrs. kim... do you mind if i sit in class and do my physics homework? i promise i won't be loud or disruptive." it was a girl's voice.

"i don't mind at all jiyeon.." mrs. kim replied with a soft voice.

jeonghan turned his head to the door and was greeted by a girl with short, brown hair and a sweet smile, her clothes not being worn the way it should have been. her white shirt wasn't tucked in and the ribbon around her neck was messy, but the skirt was on correctly and that was what mattered.

he heard seungcheol whisper something, and soon he heard a stool being dragged and jiyeon sat down next to seungcheol.

jeonghan didn't pay too much attention to it, he only assumed they were friends.

"jiyeon, please do keep quiet and don't get in the way. now, back to the topic."

the class continued as usual, mrs. kim explaining things in great detail about chemical kinetics and how to do the equations.

but jeonghan found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on the lesson.

he couldn't shake off the feeling of seungcheol's presence behind him, even though the older boy hadn't acknowledged him.

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