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this is abt to be a loooooong one

jeonghan lets out a sigh as he makes his way to the park where seungcheol had agreed to meet him at.

the blond was nervous, he was afraid of what was going to happen between the two. but he told himself that it wasn't his place to make any decision, it was all upto seungcheol.

as he makes his way down the gravel road he sees the raven haired boy on a swing

"you came." jeonghan whispers as he slowly walks towards him,

"did you think i wasn't going to?"

"well- i didn't know.. it's just- y'know." jeonghan mumbles as he sits down on the other swing.

"i told my parents everything... about you and i from the get go.." seungcheol mumbles,

"oh.. and?"

"they were upset."

"oh.." jeonghan mumbles.

"my dad... let's just say he's not in the best of moods, but who cares." seungcheol mutters as he grabs a cigarette out of his pocket but then he remembers, he shakes his head and grabs a lollipop instead.

"are you okay?" jeonghan asks quietly,

"why wouldn't i be?"

"because.. i know what your dad is like.."

"it's fine, he's an old man what he says or does doesn't really affect me anymore." seungcheol replies as he sticks the lollipop in his mouth.

jeonghan lets out a little hum as he looks down at the tiny pebbles that surrounded them, he kicks them with his feet,

"so, did you read the message soonyoung sent us?" seungcheol says in a lighthearted tone,

"y-yeah.. about that- i'm so sorry seungcheol- i never meant for any of that to happen." jeonghan rambles,

"it's okay, jihoon's the one to blame."

"still." jeonghan mumbles.

"hey, i said it's fine.." seungcheol assures him,
"i just- i didn't want things to turn out this way- i wanted us to work out, but i guess not everything works out in our favor, huh?"

"i know." seungcheol nods,

"but y'know- i still really love you- and i still care about you and if you're hurting then i'm hurting too and- and-"

"jeonghan." seungcheol says his name,

the blond stops, "yes?"

seungcheol looks at him as he twirls the lollipop between his teeth.

"maybe we should stop this." the raven haired male suddenly says,

"stop what?"


jeonghan's heart sank to the bottom of his chest, the feeling of dread and anxiety came back,

jeonghan felt like the world around him had suddenly stopped. He struggled to find the right words, his mind racing with a whirlwind of emotions. "stop... us?" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.

seungcheol sighed heavily, his gaze fixed on the ground. "yeah, i think it's for the best. this... whatever we have, it's causing too much pain and confusion. maybe it's time to let go."

jeonghan's heart clenched with every word. he had hoped against hope that things could still work out between them, despite the odds stacked against them. but seungcheol's words shattered those hopes into a million pieces.

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