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jeonghan: choi... seungcheol...?

jisoo's dog: in the flesh bby

jeonghan mentally cringed at that message as he put his phone away, it was almost the end of school. he was one of the first ones to get to his last class of the day, chemistry.

slowly students started coming in, one of them being xu minghao, a foreign exchange student who was really good at art. he was also one of the only students who was openly bisexual.

he gave minghao a wave and a smile he returned one back and directed himself to the lab table jeonghan was sitting at.

he slings his backpack off his shoulder his frog keychain jingles as he does.

he sits down on the stool and lets out a sigh.

"the next time i see wonwoo i'm gonna shove my foot so far up his ass." he grumbles as he lays his head down into his arms, using them as a pillow while jeonghan raises a brow.

"did he chase you down to get the poster done?"

"yes! my hands cramped up. he gave me an hour to finish but it was huge."

jeonghan couldn't help but chuckle at minghao's frustration. the bell rang signalling the start of the class and jeonghan prepared himself for the hour and 30 minute torture of hearing mrs. kim speak her mind.

just as mrs. kim delved into the complexities of molecular structures, around 20 minutes into class time the lab door swung open, and in walked seungcheol and mingyu, each holding a bag of snacks.

mrs. kim raised an eyebrow, "choi, kim, you're nearly half an hour late. care to explain?"

seungcheol grinned, winking at mingyu. "man mrs. kim you would never guess what happened."

mrs. kim lets out a sigh, "what happened this time seungcheol?"

"ok well mingyu met this blind man at the near by convenience store and this other dude was trying to rob him."

mingyu chimed in, "YEAH! i had to talk some sense into the dude y'know, tell him stealing isn't okay and all of that."

"but then the blind guy thought we were teamed up with the robbers so we had to defend ourselves before he could ask the cashier to call the cops." mingyu continues, occasionally looking around the classroom,

"uh yeah you could like go ask the cashier, she's our alibi." seungcheol says with a proud smirk, he knew mrs. kim would never actually go out of her way to ask the cashier.

she lets out a sigh and asks the boys to take a seat, to their triumph they both share a sly smile as they pull out their stools and sit down.

minghao looked back at seungcheol and mingyu who had taken a seat behind them, he nudges jeonghan and leans over to whisper in his ear.

"you see kim mingyu?"

jeonghan pretends to focus on mrs. kim's words as he nods.

"what about him."

minghao, his eyes narrowing with a hint of mischief, continued whispering to jeonghan, "rumor has it that kim mingyu has a not-so-secret crush."

jeonghan's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his feigned focus on mrs. kim's lecture momentarily shattered. "really? on who?"

minghao tilted his head slightly, glancing over at mingyu, who was engaged in a conversation with seungcheol. "he's got eyes for none other than wonwoo, the student council president."

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