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now you see NORMALLY,

jeonghan would ignore things like this, despite the fact that it bothered him, he knew that jisoo himself didn't care, the only thing he lived by was free food. it was obvious he didn't give a damn about unfounded allegations he knew weren't true.

jeonghan, on the other hand, was a little curious as to who it was. was it too much for them to say anything to jisoo's face? or were they looking for a fling? there were countless trying to win jisoo's attention so this puny act could be a result of a degenerate person looking for something.

jeonghan raised his brow and smirked as he thought about how ridiculous they seemed.

though he was curious, maybe responding wouldn't be the best course of action, but it was jeonghan, a teen with the hopes of ending his boredom during math class, he didn't care about consequences, and he didn't want to.

which is why he was in hopes of finding a pen he tried searching his backpack but he figured he wouldn't have one so he stopped midway. moving his eyes to jisoo he eyed his sleeping figure and saw a pen beside him.

"bingo," he said as he reached for the pen. he drew back and pulled his blonde hair behind his ear, then pressed the pen to the paper, ready to compose, but he hesitantly drew away.

in truth, he had no idea what he was going to write.

the first thing he did, however, was scribble over the man's words. in class, textbooks could get mixed up, and he didn't want someone else hearing what this person had said about jisoo.

he didn't want to get in trouble for vandalizing either so once again he looked through his backpack, he grabbed out a random notebook and ripped out a tiny piece of paper from it. shoving the notebook back into his backpack he turned and tried to write his thoughts out on paper.

he twirled the pen in his palm, pondering what to write; would it be bad to... he cast a glance at his best friend, snickering to himself as he noticed him drooling.

probably not,

he shrugs smirking,

rashly, perhaps he should've given it more thinking, but then again, he was yoon jeonghan.

you're losing my interest, which is very dangerous.

jeonghan penned, smiling to himself as he closed the book, knowing that he wouldn't be paying attention in class anyhow, and instead chose to fiddle with his pen.

he considered who could've written it, as he glanced at the back of his classmate's head, but he realized the chances of them doing so were slim.

because the textbooks were numbered, everyone had their own for the year, and it was strictly forbidden to use each other's books unless it was an absolute emergency, which jeonghan thought was a stupid rule, but it helped him believe that the culprit was someone from the other senior class, the two math classes shared the same textbooks.

but, in all honesty, jeonghan didn't pay attention to the other class, he despised them. they were the key reason he wanted to leave this school as soon as possible.

most of the jerks from that class had been in his classes before, and it was apparent these assholes were only here to prey on others for their own satisfaction.

it made him want to spit out his meals from two days ago whenever the two classes had pe together; it was terribly unappealing to witness the boys pull off their shirts and brag about scoring a goal in a basic game of soccer.

textbooks - jeongcheolWhere stories live. Discover now