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it was around 1 am when seungcheol was dragging a drunk chan who had puked on him back to jeonghan's house, the kid was a mess.

"you're such a fucking lightweight, get yourself together man!" seungcheol says as he continues helping chan walking, chan only laughed.

"you're so funny, hyung.." chan says, slurring his words.

"yeah yeah, just shut up and walk." seungcheol says.

as they reach the front door of jeonghan's house, seungcheol doesn't ring the doorbell, instead he jags chan.

"which window is jeonghan's bedroom?"

chan looks up at the house, squinting his eyes. "that one." he points to a window on the second floor.

seungcheol nods, he lets go of chan he cringes when chan falls onto the road but that was not his problem right now, he grabs a stone off of the ground it was tiny and he throws it at jeonghan's window.

he waits for a few seconds but nothing happens, he throws another stone at the window, this time it hits the window with a loud thud.

jeonghan wakes up to the sound of something hitting his window, he groans and gets out of bed. he walks over to his window and opens it.

"what the hell?" he mutters to himself, looking down at the ground. he sees seungcheol standing there, holding a stone, he opens his window and peeks his head out, his messy bedhead and his squinted eyes were a key sign of how tired he was.

seungcheol points at chan who is on the laying down on the road, "i got your brother, as promised."

jeonghan's eyes widen, he makes his way downstairs as quietly as he could so that his parents don't wake up. then makes his way outside and he sees chan who had seemed to fall asleep on the concrete, he was drooling and giggling in his sleep.

"what the fuck happened to him?" jeonghan asks, frowning.

"he got drunk after a two beer cans." seungcheol says, he then also points at his shirt, "he also fucking puked on me."

jeonghan takes a step back from seungcheol, he could smell the puke on the boy from here and he would rather not be close to seungcheol right now. he kneels down onto the floor and pats his younger brothers back.

"who told you to fucking drink chan?"

chan opens his eyes and looks up at jeonghan, he smiles. "hyung!" he exclaims, he tries to stand up but he falls back down, jeonghan catches him before he falls.

"you're such a fucking mess." jeonghan says, shaking his head.

"i know." chan says, laughing.

jeonghan struggles to carry chan so he looks at seungcheol, "well what are you staring at, are you not gonna help me carry him inside?"

seungcheol sighs, "fine." he says, he grabs chan by the feet while jeonghan lifts him by the hands, they try to get chan up the stairs as quietly as possible but it was a challenge.

"hold him up higher!" seungcheol whispers he didn't want to wake up jeonghan and chan's parents, jeonghan lets out a whine. "what the fuck do you think i'm trying to do!?" he whispers back.

after much struggling and a few close calls of nearly tripping over each other, seungcheol and jeonghan manage to somehow get chan upstairs and into jeonghan's room without waking up the entire household. they carefully lay him down on the bed, where chan continues to giggle in his sleep, completely oblivious to the chaos he's caused.

jeonghan glares at seungcheol, who's trying to discreetly wipe off the remaining puke on his shirt using a tissue he found in jeonghan's room. "this is all your fault, you know. i never asked for your help."

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