twenty seven

101 10 22

a few weeks had went by, jeonghan and seungcheol had their offs and ons.

they'd always have this huge argument, then they'd make out then the process repeats.

jeonghan was dozing off in math class, wonwoo was beside him, playing games on his phone as usual taking up the seat of jisoo cause he didn't show up to school.

something being too lazy to get out of bed was the reason why he didn't show up.

mr. park wasn't doing his job either, he was reading a newspaper, he had given the class a work block to catch up on stuff they hadn't done.

"what's the answer to number 4?" seungkwan asks turning behind, he leans on jeonghan's desk.

wonwoo looks up from his phone and squints trying to remember the answers.

jeonghan doesn't really hear anything, but he's pretty sure seungkwan and wonwoo aren't arguing.

wonwoo looks over to jeonghan, who's half awake and half asleep.

"you know what? i can't remember." wonwoo shrugs.

"how do you forget something like that?!"

seungkwan whines, his head in his hands.

"maybe if you were paying attention in class and not daydreaming about that girl in the front row, you'd be able to solve it yourself." wonwoo retorts.

seungkwan huffs, his cheeks puffed out as he turns back around and slumps in his chair.

wonwoo goes back to his game, and jeonghan just sleeps.

mr. park looks up to check if everyone's doing their work, but instead he finds that 2 people aren't.

"jeonghan, wonwoo! pay attention!" mr. park calls out, making jeonghan jump and wake up from his sleep.

"yes sir." wonwoo nods.

"yeah yeah, got it." jeonghan mumbles, once mr. park goes back to looking through his newspaper wonwoo nudges jeonghan.

"can't mr. park cut us some slack for being your uncle?" wonwoo whispers.

"nope, he doesn't care if we're family. if he sees us not doing our work, we're not doing our work." jeonghan whispers back.

wonwoo just shakes his head and focuses back on his game.

as time ticks by, the bell finally rings signalling the end of math class.

seungkwan was first to get up, he was out the door before anyone even left their seats.

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