1 - Peyoung Yakisoba

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It had been a couple of days since the death of Baji Keisuke. You did not know him well, though you did see him a few times when you hung out with your friend Chifuyu. You'd been friends with him for quite a while, but not longer than him and Baji. The two boys were far closer than you two had been—two peas in a pod; but still, you decided to pay some respects to his burial spot.

"I can't even begin to imagine what he's going through." You thought to yourself. After all, you knew how close they were and how much closer they could've gotten if they only had the chance.

     Of course, you felt the pain of Baji's death. He was your friend, too. But it was certainly nowhere close to Chifuyu's. Death is a natural part of life, but it still hurts to lose someone. And so, you began walking to his grave. The wind—blowing through your hair as you continued to walk—slowly stopped once you set foot in the cemetery. You felt the atmosphere around you change as chills rode up your spine from the change in setting.

As you approached the grave, you noticed a blonde-headed boy with an undercut hairstyle. It was Chifuyu. He sat on the concrete with a bowl of what seemed to be noodles. That black bowl was on the base of the tombstone with a pair of chopsticks in it. "What's that?" You pondered to yourself. "Why did he bring noodles?"

Chifuyu was on his knees and had his head facing down with his hands on his thighs as they began to scrunch up the fabric of his jeans ever so tightly. He was sobbing, tears filling up his eyes, dripping to his hands, and sliding off onto his pants.

You head towards the boy, "Shit, I feel like he wants to be alone, but I'd like to comfort him... even if it's just a bit. He'd do the same for me."

Finally, you reached him and sat beside him. For a few moments, it was nothing but pure silence; you weren't sure what you should say. After all, what could you say?

You had your head down. After a while, you brought it back up and faced the tombstone. The boy attempted to calm his sobs in your presence, failing to do so until you finally decided to speak up. He never did like to cry in front of you, much less express any type of negative emotions. The boy didn't like to worry you. "Chifuyu... I-I'm here. It's alright. You can cry," You told him as you placed your hand on his shoulder in a reassuring manner.

     "You know I won't judge you. Ever." He was always there for you, and now it was your turn to be there for him. Tears began to form in your eyes as you felt a sadness come over you as the fact finally began to settle with you: the friend you once shared with Chifuyu was no longer with you.

Although, a "friend" might be an overstatement... an acquaintance, perhaps. Nonetheless, you two still had lots in common. "It's a shame we couldn't get to know each other further, Baji-San."

Chifuyu raised his head to look at you. Somehow, you managed to stop the tears from rolling down your face. You noticed the white bandage that covered his eye—it had more blood stains than before. The bandages were the result of an injury Chifuyu got when he tripped, or so he said. His other eye had filled with tears, nearly enough for you to see your reflection.

Chifuyu looked up at the blue sky that was full of clouds. "I sure could go for some P–Peyoung Yakisoba right now," He said.

     "What?" You comment confusedly, giving him a strange stare. He looked down as he grabbed the bowl of noodles into his hands. "Let's split it."

You saw his tears begin to fall again as he prepared to voice more thoughts. Still confused, you sat in silence. "His last words to me..." He trailed off quietly. "You IDIOT!" Chifuyu stood up and nearly threw the package of noodles onto the ground as his words grew stronger.

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