21 - The Final Battle 3/3

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     Izana had let go of your arm and rushed over when he heard the sound of the trigger being pulled. You had continued to yell for Mikey to move out of the way, but he wouldn't budge. The white-haired haired boy continued to run and made it in time as the distance wasn't far apart, but he didn't push Mikey out of the way as you thought he would have.

     Instead, he jumped in front of the boy, taking the three bullets that Kisaki had shot out, and fell to the ground. It was almost as if it were all in slow motion to you. You watched as the bullets pierced through the skin of his chest, leaving three bloody holes as the red liquid began to pour out of him.

     Kisaki looked down at the smoke rising from his gun and realized he had actually shot someone, and it wasn't the person he meant to. He held the gun tightly and ran off. Shortly after, Takemitchi and Draken chased after him.

     Mikey, in shock by what had happened, quickly ran over to Izana's body that lay on the ground, and you followed him. He couldn't believe that Izana gave his life to save him after he, himself, just risked his own for the boy. The blonde boy took Izana's head into his lap as tears filled their eyes.

     "See?" The white-haired boy spoke out. "I... couldn't be saved... after all." He managed to say with a teary-eyed smile.

     Tears began to fall slowly from Mikey's eyes as a memory with his brother came to mind.


It was an average sunny day, and Mikey was enjoying a taiyaki as he sat on a wall overlooking the ocean.

His brother Shiniciro showed up soon after on his motorcycle with a question for his kid brother.

He got off and walked towards Mikey, "Yo, Manjirou. What would you think of having another older brother?" The black-haired boy asked curiously.

"Another older brother?" Mikey hesitated in thought. "Hmmm."

He paused for a moment to ponder before speaking up again.

"Well... if I did have another older brother, I'll definitely love him no matter what."

"Just like I loved Emma," Mikey said with a smile.

Shinichiro let out a joyful laugh as both of them finished enjoying the view together as brothers.


     "M-Mikey..." Izana said subtly out as the blonde-haired boy listened.

     He held him tighter and brushed the hair away from his purple eyes, "I-I'm here, brother." Mikey stuttered as he let his words out.

     "I... I met my mother one day." Izana told the boy, "Coincidentally at some gam-gambling place not long ago., yeah. It turned out s-she wasn't even my—my real mother..." He said with nervous laughter as he began to struggle with his words.

     Mikey was confused as to what Izana was trying to say. What did he mean wasn't his true mother?

     "Shinichiro said... he said it wouldn't change anything... that we—" Izana began to shiver, his body becoming cold. "We were still brothers... but we weren't, and I... I knew that."

     "You... Emma, and Shinichiro, are all—all blood-related siblings." He began to sob, which caused him pain from his injuries.

     "I've been alone from the start...Mikey. We are not brothers. We never... were."

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