6 - The White-haired Boy

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     The warehouse was filled with chatter; it stopped once a boy about the height of Mikey walked in. He had his hands behind his back. The redness of the uniform went perfectly with the whiteness of his hair. The white-haired boy had a presence that could be felt throughout the entire hideout.

He had a middle part in his hair, long earrings, and gorgeous white eyelashes. You knew he was their leading commander. He had to be. Besides him was another boy of the same height wearing glasses. "Kisaki?" You thought to yourself.

The white-haired boy spoke loudly, "Alright, everyone, LISTEN UP!" He looked across the room to see the crowd gathered around him, he smiled. "The name's Izana, and here beside me, I have Kisaki Tetta." he gestured over to the boy who was grinning.

Something seemed odd about Izana, the boy had little to no expressions showing on his face, but the evil in his eyes showed that he was determined. But, dead set on what?

"Now, as you all know, I'd never partner up with anyone. HOWEVER, it seems that Kisaki and I have a similar goal." The crowd looked amongst themselves, wondering just exactly what that goal was. You turned to Hanma as if you believed you knew what it was. He smiled.

"Manjiro Sano, the 'Invincible Mikey.'" Kisaki announced loudly, pushing his glasses up with his fingers.

Your eyes widened, and your head turned back as you heard his name, "This is it." Hanma whispered excitingly to himself. Everyone's eyes were on the leader as he mentioned the dreadful name of Mikey. Everyone was out to get him but was too afraid to do so on their account. Just the plain thought of it terrified them, yet you didn't know why.

"I'm planning on clashing head-on with Toman soon and destroying them... And you all will help me reach this goal! My sweet Tenjiku," He said, placing his hands over one another on top of his heart, "I created you to fight for me. Together, we'll take down Mikey ONCE AND FOR ALL!" He proclaimed loudly.

"Yeah!" One of the members shouted out.

"'Invincible Mikey' my ass." Another snarked.

"Those pieces of shit won't know what hit them!"

The crowd clapped and cheered. "TENJIKU DOES NOT ACCEPT DEFEAT. TENJIKU WILL NEVER FALL. WE WILL RISE TO BECOME THE NUMBER ONE GANG IN ALL OF TOKYO." Izana added in as he lifted his hand, forming a fist to the sky. He sure knew how to get a crowd going.

You felt the difference in the environment; It was darker and scarier. It was nothing compared to when you met some of the Toman members.

But to finally bring light to the verity of Baji-San's death would make everything worth it. Chifuyu deserved to know the truth. Besides, maybe this is how gang meetings are supposed to go down, you've never been to an actual one, after all.

Izana pointed to someone in the crowd as he turned to the side, and his head tilted. "Hanma over there has some inside info on Toman, as he and Kisaki were once members. We need them. Don't let anything happen to them, or I'll kill you myself." Izana had that same maniacal grin that Hanma had yesterday.

"The fuck're you all here for still? Get lost." He said as he walked off, leaving Kisaki behind.

Kisaki glanced over at Hanma and walked off. "Will I ever get to meet Kisaki one-on-one?" You curiously asked the mohawked boy.

"Nah, he's not the sorta guy who does that. He'll only come to you if he needs ya, though. Don't worry about it." He smirked as he realized everything was going accordingly.

"Wait, so when are we clashing with Toman? Izana didn't say." You mentioned to the boy.

Koko joined in the conversation, emerging from behind. "Probably in a week or so, though I wish I could kick their asses now." He said as he pounded his fists together.

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