11 - A Common Friend

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Noticing your reaction, he stepped back. "It turned out that Kazutora was the one who killed him. Eventually, I forgave Baji. I had to." Mikey chuckled. "But how could I ever forgive the killer of big bro?" He asked you, shrugging.

"That bike is both a curse and a precious memory. The fuckin' curse of having been the reason for Shin's death in the first place, yet the last memory I have of him." He told you.

"It's as if I could still feel his spirit when I ride it." He grinned while staring into the distance, "If that makes sense."

You sort of understood what he meant, but maybe that's the beauty of it, the fact that he could describe it to you. "Mikey, I wouldn't have even known what to do if I were in your place." You stated to him as you walked closer to the boy.

"But... I do know that he'd be proud of you for filling in his shoes, Mikey. And doing a damn great job at it too."

You put your hand on his shoulder and turned him to you. "I'm so sorry, Mikey."It finally clicked in your head what he meant when he said, "Nothing gold can stay." He may be the cause of death for Chifuyu's closest friend, but at this moment, he was vulnerable. He was human, and you knew you had to treat him as such. He blamed himself for being the reason for his brother's death, you pulled him in for a hug, and he was stiff.

Mikey kept his arms to his side for a moment until he finally wrapped them around your waist and rested his head on your shoulders. You patted his head as you stroked his hair.

"Thank you, Y/N. For listening."

"I'm here for you. Toman's here for you." You told him. "And we're not leaving any time soon." You said softly to him.

He didn't strike you as the type to be so open about his feelings, but at the same time, you were glad that it was with you. The two of you stayed in each other's arms, embracing the warmth of each other's bodies.


You and Mikey sat on the dock to get the whole experience of the sunset, the sun had set not long after, and the sky filled with stars.

Mikey broke the silence, "Let's go, Y/N. I'll take you home. You shouldn't be out too late." You gladly followed him to his bike. Except, this time, you weren't as afraid to get on. The idea of motorcycles excited you. Maybe one day you could even have your own.

You grabbed on tightly to him, "This isn't as scary anymore." You spoke up as you rested your head against his back.

"What did I tell you?" He smiled, "It's fun."

The two of you went off into the night, the sound of Mikey's engine filling the city, heads turning to see who the sound belonged to. You felt the cold breeze of the night blowing through your hair and onto your face. It was a nice feeling. Not only that, but all your favorite smells from all your favorite places filled your nose.

You were home soon after, but something stuck in your mind. You wanted a way to bring up Baji-San, and the fact that you knew him. But how? You wanted to do it both in a subtle way that would get his attention. Was such a move possible?

"Think, Y/N. Think."

The blonde-headed boy stopped alongside the curb outside your house and turned off his bike. The bike tilted, losing its balance, and you got off. Mikey followed and walked you toward your door. "Today was great, Mikey. I'm glad I got to spend it with you." You told him. "Emma seems really nice too."

He had his hands in his pockets while he walked, "I'm glad. I did too. It's always a great time with you." He hesitated for a moment. "You know, Y/N, I don't know how it's possible... but I can talk to you so easily. It feels like we've known each other for so long even though—"

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