8 - Trust Me

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The boy's coat was over his shoulders, and the wind blew through his hair as if he were something out of a dream.

"MIKEY?" You called out after taking it in, surprised as he turned to face you. You looked down at what you were wearing and tried to use your arms to cover yourself up, "Oh my god, I wasn't expecting anyone. I'm so sorry, let me get changed!"

Mikey's eyes widened as he saw your morning outfit. "She's even cute in the mornings." He thought to himself. You quickly ran into your home and changed. "You can come in!" You shouted out from your room. Quickly you changed into some casual clothes.

"I'm so embarrassed." You thought to yourself. "What's he doing here, anyway?"

You walked out trying to calm yourself and saw Mikey looking around your living room. He grabbed a frame in his hand, looking at a photo of you and Chifuyu, "He looks so young here even though it was only a couple of years ago, mohawked boy." Mikey chuckled. "You have a nice place." He mentioned to you while glancing around the room.

"Yeah." You chuckled. "It's one of my favorite photos of us." You stated.

"Y/N, I wouldn't have minded if you stayed in your morning clothes, by the way." He grinned at you.

"So uh, what brings you here?" You eagerly asked, quickly changing the subject.

"You remember Draken from yesterday, yeah?" You nodded as the image of the tall-headed boy with a dragon tattoo on his temple filled your mind.

Mikey walked towards you, "Well, he was gonna hang out with a friend of his later today, and he said it'd be fine if we came along with him." He paused for a moment. " ...if you wanted to.

"Not exactly sure what we'd do, though. But I decided to come early and ask." You thought about it and were unsure of what to do.

"It was very unexpected. I'll give you that." You humorously tell him.

"I didn't take you as the type to sleep in." He said. "It's my fault. I should've waited a bit longer."

You chuckled at the thought of sleeping in every day because it was something you used to do. "No, no. It was fine, I usually don't sleep in, but I went to bed late last night. But it seems nice." You grinned, "I'm always glad to meet friends of Chifuyu's.

"Sure, I'll go."

"Great, I'll be back in...say..." He paused to think. "Like an hour?"

"An hour?" You asked.

"Yeah, I'd like to spend a little time with you beforehand." Mikey blushed a little as the words left his mouth.

"Alright!" You agreed with him. He waved to you as he headed out the door, "I'll be back soon."

You realized that he and Draken would probably be in their Toman outfits, you were supposed to wear yours as well, but you figured it'd be fine if you didn't this one time. After all, you lived in Toman's territory. It was rather unlikely that someone from Tenjiku would see you without your uniform and hanging out with some Tokyo Manji members.

Finally, you were able to properly style your hair and carefully tried to pick out an outfit as you didn't know what kind of occasion it'd be. "Shit, shit, shit." You whispered.

"I don't even know what we're gonna do. How can I choose an outfit just like that?"


Before you knew it, an hour flew by in no time, and you were all ready to go. Right on the dot, you heard the sound of Mikey's bike engine revving outside and coming to a stop.

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