20 - The Final Battle 2/3

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You let your anger get the best of you once more as you got up in his face. "I SHOULD BE THE ONE WHO'S UPSET, MIKEY! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO KILLED BAJI-SAN IN THE FIRST PLACE AND STARTED ALL OF THIS!"

He quickly looked up at you and watched the tears roll down your face. "The fuck are you talking about?"

"Don't fuckin' play dumb with me, Mikey. I know everything." You pointed over at Hanma, "He told me everything."

"I didn't fucking do shit. Why the hell would I kill one of the founding members of Toman?" He asked you rhetorically as he ran his fingers through his hair. "MY TOMAN? MY OWN FRIEND?

"Bet he didn't even tell you he was the leader of Valhalla and all about how he worked with Kisaki to get Baji killed, huh? Then again, who am I to say? You trusted a random guy you only recently met over Chifuyu."

Your mind went back and forth, trying to process his words.

"Mikey didn't kill Baji?"

You always suspected that Chifuyu never told you the entire truth, but Mikey was right. Who were you to believe the words of Hanma over your good friend? You were desperate because you hated seeing your friend in such a state.

It all started to piece together in your mind, especially after what Kisaki and Hanma told you over in the alley. You realized that Hanma had manipulated you. You were nothing but a pawn in a game of chess led by Izana, and it cost you everything and everyone.

You lost sight of the truth in order to seek revenge for your friend, Chifuyu. Someone who didn't want to avenge the death of his friend but have company in getting through his pain.

You betrayed those who once cared for you and feared you wouldn't be able to repair the damage you'd done. You looked over at Hanma and Kisaki, who burst out laughing at all the drama they've stirred up. You realized just how wrong you'd been. You could've been with Mikey this whole time. You could've asked Mikey for help.

You could've asked him for the truth.

Once more, you walked up to him. Though this time, you grabbed his hand, which caused him to look up at you as you saw the pain in his desolated eyes.


Izana cut off your words as he joined in. "Well, well. This is quite the show now, isn't it?"

You couldn't even stand the sight of that white-haired boy, and without thinking, you acted upon an impulse and punched him across his face, which caused him to stumble. He rubbed his cheek and walked up to you, "Why are you angry at me, Y/N? I only tried to help you see who Mikey truly is."

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" You screamed out at him as you knee'd him in the stomach. Mikey stood watching as you began to beat the life out of Izana. Rage filled you up as you needed to let it all out, and you didn't care who it was.

"LEAVE MY MIKEY ALONE!" You said to the boy as tears rolled down your face as you looked away from Izana. You held your arms to your sides as blood dripped down from your fists onto the ground from the repetitive hits to the boy.

"He will never be like you."

"I'm afraid it's much too late for him, my dear." He walked back towards you as blood rolled down from both sides of his face.

"Just look at him."

He wasn't afraid of you. He knew that you didn't have it in you to kill him. He knew the one you were truly mad at wasn't him. It wasn't Hanma or Kisaki, for it was yourself. Izana wanted to make you realize that.

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