9 - Satisfactions of the Heart

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     Mikey spoke up, "They're in some weird shit. I don't even know what you'd call it.

     "It's one of those 'I like you, and you like me, shit but no one makes the first move' type of situations." He stated.

     You laughed, "Well, whatever it is, guys, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You look great together." You smiled at them, which only made them blush more, Draken trying to hide it.

     "Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you, but we brought our swimsuits because we planned on heading to the beach after this," Emma said while pointing to her bag.

     "Shit, really?" Mikey said. Draken just nodded in response.

     You realized you hadn't even worn a swimsuit in quite some time, much less owned one. "I think I'd just stay on land anyways," You said.

     "Y/N, I brought an extra if you need it," Emma told you.

     "No, no, It's not that." You responded in a nervous laughter. "It's just that I don't like the water much either. You never know what's down there." You got goosebumps as you felt shivers roll down your spine.

     "You're afraid of the water?" Mikey asked curiously.

     "Listen, I'm not tryna get eaten by sharks or some shit, alright?" The others laughed.

     "Or some shit?" Draken repeated your phrasing, "Yeah, gotta be careful or a clownfish will take your life." He said in a sarcastic tone, causing you to laugh.

     "Shut up, you never know. It could be like— a chain reaction or something." You responded

     "Eh, I was never one for the water either," Mikey said. "I'll probably just use your guys' towel and sit on the sand." He told the other two.

     "Yeah, but you sure love baths, don't ya?" Draken commented.

     "How could you fuckin' not?" Mikey told him. "They're the shit."

     "Make sure that towel has room for two." You told him with a smile. He nodded.

     "Of course."

     "You guys just 'bout ready to go?" Draken asked. We all nodded as we picked up after ourselves and got ready to head out.


     The beach you passed by earlier wasn't that far from the ice cream shop you all were at, so you arrived quickly. The sun was out, and clouds subtly filled the sky, giving that perfect scenery. The weather was perfect, not too hot, and with just the right amount of breezes blowing through the air.

     Draken and Emma went into the bathrooms to change into their swimsuits, leaving Mikey with the towels and bags that his friends had brought. He insisted that he'd carry them instead of you, but you insisted it was fine so you both settled on carrying half. It wasn't very packed today, so you and Mikey were able to pick the perfect spot to set everything down.

     "I've always loved the smell of the ocean." You told Mikey as you strolled alongside the shoreline.

     "Now, this is how you spend an afternoon." He said to you as he began to set his share of things down. "This seem like a good spot?" You nodded as you looked around at the scenery.

     "I wanted to make sure we'd be able to see the sunset perfectly." He told you.

     "You enjoy sunsets?" You asked the blonde-headed boy. "I didn't expect that."

     "Yeah, It's a peaceful time. I enjoy seeing the earth glow with gold."

     "That's beautiful. I'm glad someone else feels the same way I do." You spoke as you faced him. "You phrased it so perfectly, too. I couldn't have said it better."

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