25 - Cigarettes and Psychos

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Once you got home, you had many things keeping your mind occupied. Not only did you have to figure out how to find Mikey, but you also had to figure out how to win him back. You don't know how much he's changed, so there wasn't one plan you were sticking to.

Chifuyu had told you to leave Tokyo as he would be doing, but you couldn't. Especially after hearing that there was a chance that Mikey could very well be out there.

How to find him? You were unsure of that.

There was always the fact of trying to reason with him. Maybe he'd hear you out. Maybe you'd be able to try again. But if Chifuyu had been right, one of Bonten's members would kill you before you could even get anywhere close to the boy.

Plus, according to the black-haired boy, this Mikey wouldn't even be open to the idea of conversing. You knew he said they were only rumors, but how could rumors be so specific?

It was with that that you knew that there had to be more to what Chifuyu was saying.

One idea that caught your mind was this: You could act as an enemy to Bonten.

Now, one could say you could easily just ask around the city in an attempt to join the gang yourself, but you'd get no attention that way, especially not as a woman. And surely you'd get nowhere near the leader. Plus, what are the odds of someone knowing the place and giving it up just like that? They'd probably fear for their lives as they'd think you were an undercover cop or some sort.

However, if you did go around asking, you knew that there was a possibility of a member getting to you first for butting in. Sure, you'd be hurt... badly. Probably kidnapped, tortured, or even killed. But you'd expect it.

In addition, you had an advantage: you knew how to fight and had experience with gangs. The only problem was you had no idea just how strong Bonten's members were, only the bland description of their gruesome nature from Chifuyu. If one thing was for sure in this plan, it's that it would be a guarantee into their hideout, and you might even meet one of the top executives or even Mikey himself.

The more you thought of it, the more you decided to go with your last idea. You remembered you had a gun stashed away in your apartment for... safety reasons. Now all that was left was to get involved by finding a member of Bonten.


Mikey stood on the balcony of his penthouse. He was leaning over the railing, enjoying a Dorayaki as he stared off into the distance of the city. He watched how the moon reflected over the ocean and made the water shimmer from the stars above it. The crumbs of his snack would fall with each bite, and shortly after he finished, the wind blew away the plastic wrap he held between his fingers. Mikey watched it float away as he crossed his arms over the railing, staring down at the ground below, watching as cars drove by.

He pulled out a cigarette from his pocket as well as a lighter. Mikey placed the stick in his mouth as he brought the lighter up and used his other hand to cover the flame and block it from the wind. He placed the lighter back in his pocket and exhaled his first puff of smoke as he stared off.

Something wasn't sitting right with him. It hadn't been since a few hours ago. Mikey's mind began to fill with questions. Questions he so dearly wanted answers to. Why did Chifuyu meet up with you? What did he tell you? Were you truly coming after him? If so, for what reason?

He wanted to believe you were, but he wasn't even sure if you were still in the city. But still, Mikey couldn't shake the sense that something was in the air. He inhaled another puff of smoke as he stared off into the distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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