18 - The Brawl Pt. 3

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     Ran looked over at his brother with such a proud facial expression and noticed Hakkai beginning to lift himself off the ground. He was able to balance on his feet and began to throw punches in order to defend himself. Rindou blocked every single one, easily dodging the boy's attacks until Hakkai booted him on the side of his torso.

"Shit." He muttered.

Hakkai felt like he had the advantage now and went in for another hit and landed an uppercut, his fist making contact with Ran's chin as his head bounced up and down as he took a step back, almost losing his balance.

"YO, RAN!" Rindou called out, which caused Hakkai to also look over at him, "Catch!" He said, tossing over the pole to his brother.

The boy lifted his head after getting back into position, catching the pole, "Now it's my turn, princess." Ran began to swing the pole over Hakkai's head, but he happened to duck down and dodge it.

"The hell you gotta fight dirty for? WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO?!" Hakkai called out.

"You don't get it, do ya?" Ran told him as he paused, his voice growing serious. "This isn't a fight. It's an extermination." Ran smiled as he swung the pole down from above him and hit the arm of Hakkai as he attempted to block it. 

"GAHHH!" He wailed out in agony.

Hakkai bent over a little as he grabbed his arm in pain, leaving his back fully exposed to an attack. Rin took the opening and ran over as he lifted his leg to land it on the boy's back, he used immense force as the heel of his shoe made contact, and his body hit the ground leaving a loud thud that was heard throughout the location.

The brothers laughed, "Finish him, Ran."

"Gladly." The boy with the braids responded, lifting the pole into the air. "It's the end of the line here for you, Hakkai."

Laying on the floor, Angry managed to open his eyes as they kept shutting themselves. With his vision slightly blurred, he saw Hakkai knocked out on the floor with Ran repeatedly hitting him with the pole that he was struck with and Rindou watching from the side. He struggled, but he used his hands to help lift himself. He was wrestling to keep his balance, but he was able to speak.

"S-STAWP IT!!!" He yelled out. "PWEASE STAWP IT, YOU DUMMIES!" He began to sob uncontrollably, and the Haitani Brothers laughed at him for such behavior as he continued to bash Hakkai with his weapon.

Suddenly, the blue-haired boy's tears stopped as he grew numb. His eyes widened as his body was no longer his own, almost as if something had taken over him. Angry's hair stood tall as a powerful blue aura emerged around him, and he walked over to the boys.

"Smiley never did like it when I cried..."—he spoke out in a monotonous voice, eyes widened as he slowly walked towards the Haitani's—."...from now on, don't cry. I'll protect you.' He told me. But he's not... here right now..."

The brothers looked at him in confusion, and Rindou walked up to him. "The hell you want? Ain't you supposed to be dead or sum'n?" Rindou raised his fist, but before he could even move his arm, Angry slammed his fist right onto the center of Rin's face, sending him flying across the floor at immense speed.

The boy had been knocked out cold as his body rolled through the dirt, having been launched at least fifteen feet. The group of boys around him who were in their own fights grew shocked as they realized this guy had knocked out one of their heavenly kings with just one hit.

"What the hell... is he?" One of them muttered, eyeing the blue-haired boy.

"Shit, he knocked him out with one hit?"

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