⚠️ 23 - Blade 'em

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⚠️: Gore, heavy blood

Sanzu noticed Mikey walking closer as he gestured for him to walk over to the betrayers, whom he had prepped nicely for him. Immediately the men stopped trying to move as they felt the dark aura of Sano Manjirou enter the room. Walking at a slow pace, they looked up to watch Bonten's leader as he had his head tilted down, but you could still see his eyes peeking through his hair, burning through your skull.

He had his left hand in his pocket with the other hanging to the side, carrying a pistol with his name engraved on it—his personal weapon, which he cared for dearly. Mikey lifted his head to the right when he heard the sound of footsteps as one of the men managed to cut through his ropes with a shard of glass he found on the floor.

"Fucking hell, Sanzu. Thought I told you to make sure these fuckers couldn't escape." Mikey commented.

He lifted his gun in the direction of the man who was running and shot. The bullet rapidly flew through the air as it collided with the man's skull, leaving two bloody holes as the bullet entered the back of his head and exited out through his forehead, causing him to fall over.

     Mikey walked over to the man and flipped him over to his back as the white-haired boy bent down beside him. The man was still alive, but only barely, as a pool of blood began to form around his body.

"It's a shame. Maybe we could've let you live." Mikey let out with widened eyes.

For a moment, there was a glimpse of hope in the victim who lay on the floor. But it was quickly taken away as Mikey placed the muzzle of his gun on the man's forehead and pulled the trigger.


Mikey chuckled as he got up from the bodies, and he looked over and watched as the others' eyes opened widely. They knew what was coming their way, but Bonten wouldn't let them go so straightforwardly. Simply putting a bullet in their heads would be too painless as they'd quickly pass. Not only that, but it would lack the fun.

"Don't be afraid," The white-haired boy cheerfully said to the men. "We're only gonna kill you!"

He looked over to Sanzu as he smiled. "Blade 'em."

The pink-haired boy followed demands as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a cigar cutter. It was midnight black with platinum-colored blades that had his initials carved into them—H.S. He then walked over to the man on the left as he knelt behind him and placed one of his fingers into the opening of the cutter, where it lay perfectly inside the circle.

He looked up at Mikey and nodded, signaling to the boy that he was ready whenever he would be.

"So..." Mikey let out as he stared into the man's eyes. "Why did you betray us?" He said as he removed the tape quickly from his mouth and threw it onto the floor.

"Fuuck," He let out as he felt the pain of the tape rip off some of his facial hair.

"You know the punishment for betraying Bonten, so why?" Mikey repeated himself.

"WE DIDN'T," He was panicking. "WE WERE... FRAMED, I SWEAR... WE WERE—WE WERE... BLAMED!" The man began to sob as he tried to reach the human side of Bonten's leader. A side that the man no longer had.

     Mikey, of course, didn't believe the lies this man dared to tell his face. He nodded at Sanzu, which indicated for him to begin pressing the two sides of the cigar cutter, which allowed the blade to have contact with the man's skin. He gently pressed down to where it wouldn't lacerate entirely to the bone, but to the point where it began to cut the outermost layer of his skin.

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