3 - The Toman Uniform

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"I saw Mikey's eyes, completely filled with hatred. The way he ran up from behind and stabbed him. The blood immediately began to rush out from his cold body and Mikey felt no remorse whatsoever. The moment I tried to bring it up at tonight's meeting, they kicked my ass outta Toman."

"Bu–but if what you're saying is true... Why was Chifuyu so depressed about Baji-San's death? Why wasn't he pissed off at Mikey instead?" You mention to him, unsure if to believe his words or not.

"'Cause Mikey never told him that he was the one to kill Baji." He said in a monotonous voice as he shrugged. "Chifuyu didn't see him do it, so there was no evidence to hold Mikey accountable."

     You paused as you pieced everything together. "It fits..." You hated that it all fit together.

     He exhaled another breath of smoke as tears began to form in your eyes. Hanma noticed and took a step closer. He bent down to match your height and wiped them from your eyes. "Don't cry, princess." He placed his hand on your chin and lifted your face to him. "Join me. Join me and create a new group—one that will take down Toman. Once and for all."

     You shrugged. After all, you knew how to fight. You've taken classes on martial arts, though you've never needed to use them.

"You can fuck people up, yes?" He asked as he seemingly knew the answer already. He took his hand away from your face and stood up straight as he placed one of his hands in his pocket and the other out for you to grab, the cigarette still between his fingers. The fumes slowly rise from the smoke stick. "So, join forces with me, and let us get revenge on Mikey for doing such a horrible thing to Chifuyu."

     The moonlight shone on his face, and you paused. "Chifuyu was lying to me this whole time?" You whispered to yourself. You began to think. "What else was Chifuyu fucking lying about?"

"Was that whole scene at the cemetery a scheme?"

"Did he even care about Baji?"

     Your mind filled with doubts as you didn't know what was true anymore.


A flashback came to mind:

The three of you were sitting around a table one afternoon, and the two boys got up and began to wrestle one another on the ground.

"Guys, guys, quit it!" You call out to them. They stopped just bursting out laughing.

"We're only playing, Y/N." Chifuyu said. "Don't worry."

"Yeah, no way we'd ever get into a fight." Baji said, smiling.

He turned to Chifuyu, "You and I will always be bros."

"And.." He began to add in. "And we'll always split our Peyoung Yakisoba." Baji smiled again, as did Chifuyu.


     You missed Baji's smile. You realize now why Chifuyu brought the noodles to his grave.

"There's no way Chifuyu would ever lie about something like that." You thought to yourself. "Not on his own, at least."

"He loved Baji. The two of them were basically brothers." You let out a sigh of relief.

     You spoke up, "Did this 'Mikey' ever plan to tell Chifuyu the truth about Baji-San's death?" Hanma remained silent, unsure if to answer. "Please, just answer me this one time, answer me this one time..." You add in as you stare into his gold eyes, "and I'll join you."

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