14 - Betrayal

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"Shinichiro," Izana slowly backed away from Mikey, "He taught me how to ride a bike. He taught me fashion, he taught me how to fight, and he taught me how to be a Delinquent."

"He told me all about the Black Dragons and promised that he'd leave them to me." He paused for a moment as his voice took a sinister turn.

He quoted Shinichiro: " 'And Manjirou' "

Mikey looked confused as he didn't even know that the white-haired boy was also to take over a generation of the BD along with himself. All he knew was that his brother planned to leave Black Dragon to him one day and how he showed him all the same things that he had shown Izana.

"Ever since that day, I decided that I wanted to kill you, Mikey. I wanted to destroy your life and take everything that you hold close, just as you stole my dear older brother away from me." Izana's voice grew emotionless, staring into the distance as if he were a robot. "I had no one; I never did, and I never will. It's clear to me, now, that everything is only an illusion—a silly old fantasy."

"After all, only in a dream can a man truly be free." He spoke as he stared at a grave a short distance behind Mikey, something catching his attention.

This was a man who had been lost in his demons. A man who never experienced the love this world had to offer.

"I hope you've been enjoying your time with Y/N, by the way, Mikey."

The blonde-headed boy looked up to Izana, confused about how he knew about you in the first place. He was still processing the words of his "brother" as he could relate to them. Mikey could've told him; he could've comforted him, but he didn't know how to. How could he when he can't even deal with himself? Plus, there was a bigger question to ask.

"How the fuck do you know about Y/N?" He eagerly queried as he got in a defensive stance.

Izana laughed, "Oh? She's been of great service to me. No need to get so defensive, Mikey. Isn't that right, Y/N?" He walked towards the grave you were hiding behind and put his hand on it.

He saw you sitting there, beside Chifuyu. He lowered his hand to help you up, and you both walked towards Mikey.

"Y/N? What...?" Chifuyu spoke out. He stood up and followed behind you quickly, "LET HER GO, YOU IDIO—"

Izana turned around and punched Chifuyu across the face before he could finish his sentence. He fell to the ground with a loud thud. Your eyes widened as you turned to see your friend on the ground, and Mikey's eyes filled with confusion. Everything was all happening so fast.

"I thank you truly for your service, Y/N. I wished you'd have worn your uniform tonight. You'd look much cuter in it." The white-haired boy told you with a gentle smile.

Mikey's face froze as he made the realization and figured out what was happening, and looked at you. "Y/N... you're—"

Izana cut him off, "That's right, Mikey. She's in Tenjiku and works for me!" He laughed with a maniacal tone.

"And now that I know what I need to... I have a feeling you'll be back soon. I'll be ready, Mikey." The white-haired boy slowly began to walk towards the side and muttered his last words.

"I hope you'll become just as empty as I am, brother."

Mikey wanted you to say it wasn't true. He wanted you to say Izana was wrong. He wanted to believe that you weren't the person this random guy who is supposed to be his brother was saying you were.

He wanted you to say these things. He needed you to say these things.

But how could you when everything added up? How you just so perfectly managed to meet him? How you so conveniently happened to be friends with Chifuyu? Were you even friends with Baji? Was that all a lie? Mikey didn't even know what to believe anymore. If he couldn't trust you, then who could he trust? Because apparently, he can't even trust himself.

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