4 - The Invincible Mikey

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     "Yeah, what's it to ya?" The tall boy said in a menacing voice, walking closer to you.

     "Draken, chill out, man." The purple-haired boy said in a calming voice. "We're in the Tokyo Manji gang."

     "Tokyo Manji gang? I thought it was Toman." you thought to yourself. That was until you realized Toman was the short way of saying Tokyo Manji.

     "So, Chifuyu's in your guys' gang?" You asked curiously.

     "It's actually Mikey's gang," Chifuyu said, looking down, pointing at the boy with the coat over his shoulders, saddened by the fact that you caught him in his lie. "He's our commander."

     "Now, now, Chifuyu. We all know it was Baji's gang; but now, I like to think of it as our gang." Mikey said, smiling as he spoke modestly.

     So, "That's... the 'Invincible Mikey'?" You thought to yourself, unknowingly staring at the boy.


     "They call him... the 'Invincible Mikey.' " You both continued walking at the same pace as one another.

"The 'Invincible Mikey'?" You repeated to Hanma.

He nodded as part of his response, "He's made quite the name for himself, especially with that nuclear kick of his."

"So he can kick ass pretty well then, huh?" You said to the tall boy, teasing him.

     "Hell yeah. It was such an honor to fight him, honestly. I even stopped one of his kicks, ya know. Until he completely pounded my ass into the ground." He snarked. "Dude was just pissed off, to be honest, ain't even let me finish my sentence before sending another one of his kicks my way."

"That dude sounds badass," You said. "So he's the one that stabbed Baji-Kun?"

Hanma nodded, "Don't ever get involved with that guy, you hear me? He's a menace who will not hesitate to kill anyone who gets in his way, Y/N. He's taken down many opponents with just one hit. His stare alone scares the shit outta his enemies."

Hanma couldn't risk you getting close to him and figuring out the truth about Baji's death. "And I can't have you getting killed, not now." The mohawked-boy added in.

It was nice that he wanted to protect you, but what did he mean by "not now."?

"Did you ever get to talk to Mikey personally? Or...?"

"Nah, he only talks to a few in Toman. He'll approach you if he needs something. He got to talk to my friend a lot, though—Kisaki."

"Kisaki?" You repeated to him in a question.

"Yuh, Kisaki Tetta. He's the other who got kicked outta Toman for trying to stand up for Baji's death with me. Mikey basically gave him this stare of death, so we got outta there as fast as we could." He commented.

"He would've killed you guys for trying to stand up for a fellow Toman member?"

"Former Toman member. But, yeah. He's a force not to be reckoned with. Not yet. Not until we have the full formation of our gang." He said. "Toman's bad news, Y/N. We gotta wipe them out." He said, nodding to you as he put his hand out, "Don't forget tomorrow we have our first meeting. It'll be tomorrow night where the name is said, and our tokkō-fuku is passed out to us."

"I'll be there," You said as you shook his hand. Hanma walked away as you approached your house and the next day quickly came.


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