19 - The Final Battle 1/3

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"Ah, Mikey! You're here!" He told the boy cheerfully as he opened his arms up, "Now I can kill you in front of everyone!"

     "Just like how you killed Emma?" Mikey responded in an irritated tone.

     "Emma's dead?" Izana spoke, looking up as if he didn't know what the boy was talking about. "Wasn't my plan, but if it helped achieve my goal... then so be it!" He added in, shrugging emotionlessly.

     Mikey ran up to the boy and tried to land a nuclear kick, to which Izana blocked with his arms, though it did move him out of place a bit. The boy with blonde locks was off his game after what happened to his sister earlier that evening, but he didn't give up. He attempted another kick that was blocked once more, except by Izana's leg.

     "Woah! Such power even after the position you're in!" He mocked. "That's crazy!"

     The white-headed boy slowly walked closer to Toman's commander and examined his eyes as he kept his hands in his pockets. He realized something was throwing Mikey off and landed a kick of his own on the boy, which he couldn't block and got pushed back.

     "So, tell me, Mikey... are you empty inside yet?"

     Mikey's eyes were revealed to be hollow, dark, empty, and so very cold. Almost as if he had grown lifeless, a walking corpse. The boy always had a darkness growing within him, but recently was when it started to grow. Death after death, his abyss grew that much deeper. His eyes were quite similar to Izana's, except he never managed to lose his color the way Mikey lost his.

     Izana landed a punch on the side of the boy's temple, but it didn't faze him. "Emptiness, huh? Is that why you killed our sister?" Mikey asked with genuine curiosity as his head tilted to the side.

     "She was never my sister to begin with. I told you this already." Izana stated as he lifted his leg to land another kick, but Mikey's reflexes were quick enough to block his head from taking the blow.

     "Don't you ever listen, Mikey?"

     "You were family whether you liked it or not. You are family." Mikey launched one of his nuclear kicks back at the boy, but he managed to block it again. "We're family!"

     Mikey realized his words weren't getting through to Izana at all as he barely had any reaction to what he was saying or what he wanted to accomplish. In Izana's eyes, he was nothing but a target to destroy.

As for Mikey, Izana was once a target, but now he was someone he wanted to save. The blonde-haired boy didn't want to lose him the way he lost the others he cared about, so he began to get desperate.


     "If only you had opened your heart to us... we would've let you in." Mikey added in.

     Izana didn't believe what he was hearing. How could they be family if he stole his only older brother away from him? If he couldn't even trust Shinichiro enough to believe all those words he once told them about his older brother caring for him, how could he ever trust Mikey?

     "SHUTT UPPPP!!" Izana yelled out as he couldn't take those kind words from Mikey. In all due reality, it must've been his own thoughts he couldn't handle. Yet, at this moment, the boys might have been brothers but surely were not friends.

     "You know what? Shinichiro might not have been my ideal older brother after all, so... I'll just  have to kill you and all of your friends." He told Mikey in a sinister tone. "If I can't have anything, then... neither can you, Mikey." He tilted his head to his side to reveal his maniacal eyes as he pounded his fists together.

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