24 - Sleep Tight

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You were puzzled because you hadn't heard about anything, so you nodded to the side. You were curious about what Chifuyu had to say. Could it be the clue to finding Mikey?

"You really don't know, do you? Well"— He scratches his head in an attempt to properly phrase his next thought—"I mean, they're only rumors... but Bonten itself is real. They're like this really tough organization that no one dares to mess with." He told you as he finally made eye contact.

"Supposedly... Mikey is their leader."

"Our Mikey? But I thought the others said that Toman had disbanded or something?" You said in a tone that sounded like a question.

"Well yeah, but no one really knew what Mikey was up to after that. He pushed us all away right after that final meeting actually, and we never knew why."

You laughed a little, "He did the same to me too."

He looked away from you again, "Y/N, my advice is don't try to go looking for that guy." He became serious, avoiding your last statement. "If he is the leader, then you don't want anything to do with him. This gang...

"They're nothing like Tokyo's seen before. There's no affiliation with Toman whatsoever and Bonten... there is no end game."

You hesitated before he spoke, trying to take in the intensity of his words.

"I just don't know. I mean, Mikey warned me that he would be going down a horrible path. But, I still think that he'll always be that sweet boy we all once knew." You looked at him, "I think he just needs someone to show him that lifestyle again, a life that's filled with hope and happiness."

"Could be, but I think he's far too gone to be saved at this point." He stood up as he prepared to leave and looked back down at you, "Bonten's kill count is the highest it's ever been. I hear they even offed some of their own members recently. I wouldn't dare tell you the kinds of things this gang has adapted and mastered. They're just not the kinds of things you speak with a lady about."

He picked up his phone from the floor and placed it in his pocket as he began to walk off. He paused for a moment as he tilted his head to a downward angle and stared at the floor.

"I mean it, Y/N. Don't go trying to look for the guy because I won't be there to save you this time. I'm leaving Tokyo, and I'd suggest you do the same."

He spoke as if he knew a great deal about Bonten for some reason, but you couldn't tell the reason why. "What?" You asked the boy as he continued to walk off.

He ignored your question and soon vanished from your sight. You never did hear from him again after that. No one else did either. It was as if he was erased from this earth once more. However, if he had disappeared before and you got in touch it was likely to happen again.

But if one thing was certain, it was that you had to look into this so-called "Bonten." Over the years, you still managed to get into your fair share of fights, so you were still in shape and ready for a brawl. You had to know what you were getting yourself into because you knew you had to find them.

You had to find Mikey. You needed to find Mikey. You were going to get him back, one way or another and by any means possible. You were going to find Bonten's alleged leader—Manjirou Sano, previously known as Toman's 'Invincible Mikey.'


Later that night, as Chifuyu was heading out to meet another man about some personal business, he was struck on the head with a bat. He fell to the floor instantaneously, becoming unconscious and a bag was placed over his head by a mysterious man who took him to an abandoned building. There, Chifuyu sat in a chair, tied up beside two other men, awaiting the punishment he knew he would be getting.

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