16 - The Brawl Pt. 1

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     Toman was right. Draken wasn't even sure if he could give this fight his all. The pain that was tearing their hearts apart was slowly beginning to lower their defenses, but they had what truly mattered—willpower. This would be enough to strengthen their forces.

     The crowd was surprised to see that Mikey was standing before him after having gone through something so emotionally traumatic and recent. But it was with that same choice that Mikey made that everyone realized they had to back him up. They were going to dominate Tenjiku.

     Mikey was unexpressive. He was cold-blooded. He was absolutely numb to the core and couldn't feel anything. All he knew was he had to destroy Tenjiku.

     He had to kill Kisaki.

     "WE WON'T LOSE!" The commander of Toman declared as the gang cheered him on. "LET'S KILL THEIR ASSES!"

     Mikey and Draken were the first ones to head down the steps and lead the crowd of people towards their bikes to take off to the location where the fight would take place.

     "That bitch Kisaki is gonna pay. He's mine."

     Pushing through others, Takemitchi managed to find Chifuyu in the mess of people, "Shit, dude. Your face." The boy told Chifuyu as he pointed at the mark Izana had left him. "Hey, is Y/N alright, by the way?"

     As soon as Takemichi Mentioned your name, Chifuyu stopped and looked at him, absolutely speechless. "She..."

     "Come on, man. Is she or isn't she?"

     "She's with Tenjiku." He managed to get out in a serious tone. "She's always been with Tenjiku."

     "She— what?"—Takemitchi grabbed Chifuyu's shoulder, turning the boy to him as he responded in disbelief—"No, no. She wouldn't. There's no way she'd be involved in a gang like that, right?."

     "I thought so too, but I saw it with my own eyes, partner. Izana revealed all of it to us, and she even drove off with that fucking shithead Hanma. Said she did everything according to 'his plan'?"—He made air quotations with his fingers—"I don't really know exactly... I was really outta it. But Y/N's been with them all this time." He laughed as he realized what a fool he'd been.

     "This whole fuckin' time, she's been with 'em. No doubt she'll be at this fuckin' clash too."

     "Shit..." Takemitchi said in a lowered voice. "And Mikey-Kun? How did he take it?"

     The boy with an undercut didn't even have the words to describe the sort of reaction that Mikey had. Chifuyu, still heartbroken from your betrayal, just sighed. For this would surely be a fight to be remembered. Takemitchi didn't even need an answer. Chifuyu's sigh said everything it needed to.

     The sound of motorcycle engines filled the city as Toman drove off into the night.


     Once they arrived at a landscape near the ocean, there they saw them—Tenjiku. Their red tokkō-fuku stood out in the darkness of the night. Their members stood up front as Izana, Kisaki, and Hanma sat up top on one of the storage trailers.

     Standing before them were four men, which Chifuyu pointed out to Takemitchi. "Shit, it's the Haitani Brothers. We're fuckin' screwed, dude." Though, to their surprise, you weren't there. Mikey was the first to make a move as he walked toward Izana's gang. His eyes widened as his head tilted to the side. "So, who wants to die first?"

     A black-haired boy walked up from the opposite side, "Ah, so you're the 'Invincible Mikey.' " He looked down at the blonde-headed boy, tilting his head.

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