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I saw her hanging up.
I pocketed my hands before taking steps to her desk.
How would she manage to meet him if I am not letting her go?
Wow!! You are a genius, Shiv!
That's an interesting assignment man.
" Are you done, Miss Assistant? "
She flinched a little and immediately slipped off her seat after seeing me.
" Sir??? "
" Do I look like a ma'am? "
She didn't reply.
" I remember asking you something. "
I saw her face getting pale. She took a glance at her desk and apologetically looked at me.
" Sir, I am almost done with it but.... "
" If there is a but, I don't consider it's done "
I noticed her movements, she fiddled with her fingers and I tried to control my smile. She is thinking about those files that I would be putting in Dustin. That's gross who asks for a summary file man?
"I don't like silence. "
She looked at me " Sir, it's not done completely but, can I submit it to you by the next morning?
" No!! "
I don't give a shit about work, that file and this company. The only thing I care about right now is not letting her leave.
" I request you, sir, I need to leave earlier than usual, it's an emergency "
I cocked an eyebrow at her.
Oh really!!
So much desperation to meet your lover.
I chuckled " I want you to do two more files before leaving, so no chance "

" Please... "
" End of the discussion." I barked before grabbing a cup from her desk "Thanks for the coffee."

Author pov

He winked at her and walked away from there. She watched him going to his cabin while humming a song.
Her forehead lined with tension.
" How would I meet Anshu"
she was sad, but Sara didn't know the reason. She assumed her fiance might have hurt her again. "I hope she is fine.
I need to finish my work as soon as possible so that I can leave.  " she pondered.
She wanted to be with her best friend and ask her what was wrong.
But she can't. And she was guilty of that.

It was turning dark and almost everyone was leaving. But Sara was still working.
" Hey Sara, come on, it's time to leave," said Shreya, leaning towards her desk only to get no response.
" Oyyy!!! Say something. " she patted her shoulder.
Sara spared a glance at her and sighed " I can't! "
" Huh? "
" Shrey, you can go, I need to complete my work. "
" But it's already seven!! " she said with a long face.
" I know, but I have to!! " She said being helpless.
Shreya straightened her posture and said " That's fine, I will help you, we will do it together!! "
" No please.... "
" But "
Shreya insisted but Sara sent her away finally.
She badly wanted someone to help her but deep inside she didn't want to bother anyone for her work.

And with this, she was left alone there. At least this is what she was thinking. She had no idea about the pair of eyes watching her from inside the cabin.

"I don't care if he is doing that on purpose but I am always sincere about my work and responsibilities. "
She thought.

Another three hours passed, and she was relieved to know, that only one page was left.
" Thank god!! "
She checked the clock and it was already ten. Her heart raced. She didn't realize that before. And now she was a bit scared after scanning the whole office, it was dark. There was only light on her computer screen.
She bit her lower lip.
" Come on Sara!! Just one page" She tried to convince herself and proceeded with her work. But her breathing rose as she heard slow footsteps against the floor.
Her hands stopped and her eyes trembled.
She slowly moved her hand to the drawer. Slipped her hand inside and gripped the cutter.
Her forehead started sweating as the steps became more audible.

She realized that person was coming closer to her, her grip tightened on the cutter.
"Allah !" she mumbled under her breath.
" save me "
And that's when she felt someone standing behind her. She didn't wait for anything and veered around to the person.
She attacked him with the cutter. But before the metal could touch the person he held her wrist to stop her from doing so.
" what the hell are you doing ?” the offensive voice sounded a bit familiar to her.

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