what's stopping you

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" You are right, I am not the good person " She sobbed and the tention inside me thickened. This was not her original self and it was horrifying me if I was the reason for her behavior .

"See, that's not what I mean!! ” I rubbed a consoling hand over her back and her body trembled with more cries.
I bring myself to sound more sensible and honest.

" I was just saying that as a joke, please don't take my words seriously, you are the best the way you are!! ”

I felt her body temperature raising by every second. She wasn't fine. Not at all. Her hiccups were getting louder with each passing second. My heart started beating fast in fear.

I embraced her " Hey, calm down!!! ”

"I wish I was better than this ”

" No, you are best... ”

"You were right... ”she continued to cry as if I never spoke.

" Ishaan was right, I am useless, I am selfish girl...... I didn't do anything for him......... I couldn't help my mom..... I never tried to rescue them... I am such a horrible person... No one deserve a daughter and sister like me..    ........ ” her voice was getting louder and the panick in her tone was heaving up.

First thing was clear it wasn't about me. It's about her family, means more sensitive topic and I said something that triggered her.

"Hey.... " I rubbed her back again "calm down...... Shhh!!!!!”I whispered softly above her ear.

"Don't be so harsh on yourself, it's true that no one deserves you because you are too good for them and please calm down okay....... ”

She wasn't saying anything but her sobs were loud and her every hiccup felt like bruise. Her voice was broken.

I never thought I would see a day like this, I would see her so broken. I had her image clear in my mind, cold but strong as rock but looks like I misjudged her.

Right now she looks like a little girl who is crying for a specific thing she didn't get.

For the next five minutes I didn't utter a word and kept rubbing my hand over her back, her loud cries changed into soft. And then they slowly faded. I felt a dangerous silence taking over. In such situations silence always work as a monster.

"Sara?? ” I called out softly only to earn silence.
" Hey!!! ” She didn't reply and even her sniffs stopped.
I felt her weight on my chest, looks like she is asleep.

There was no chance she fainted again. I believe she slept due to side effects of the medicine and she was obviously tired because of the travelling, lack of rest and then continuous crying.

My hands reached out to unwrap her arms from my waist.
I carefully broke the hug and laid her down to the bed.

My heart shrunk at the sight of her red swollen eyes.
I have seen her sad before, the day she fainted in office for the first time. So technically this wasn't first time, but what I witnessed today wasn't just sadness.
It was something else.
And I couldn't bring myself to decode what it was. Frustration?? Pain?? Fear?? Or insecurity? "

I pushed her hair aside from her forehead before placing a soft and long kiss there.
I don't know why it felt so wrong to do that. But I couldn't stop myself.
I pulled away from her side but before I could step out from the bed she held my hand.

For a second my heart raced at the thought of her being awake but it relaxed the moment my eyes landed on hers. They were closed, her wet eyelashes covered the lines of dark circles.
I let out a sigh of relief. She pulled my hand to keep it under her head.

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