you better stop

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"Ouch!!! "
I hissed in pain when I bumped into someone.
Here my day started, with this shit. Again.
I mean why can't I have a good start in office. It gets worse every second.
I bent a little to grab the file from ground I dropped before.
"I am sorry!! " I heard a male voice.
When I straightened my posture, I finally got to look at the person.

"Are you alright??"
Smile crept on my lips as I heard his sweet voice. At least there won't be argument here. Good.
I expected it to be Shivansh but it's someone else
A tall frame, dark thick hair and blue eyes. My eyes fell on his chest, the guy was wearing a black shirt and first three buttons open, paired with blue denim and converse.
He doesn't look like employee, his clothes are too casual for that.
"Thanks for your concern, I am fine!! " I said politely but my eyes thinned at his next comment.

"So fine! " He said scanning me from top to bottom with a smirk.
I pursed my lips to hide the grin. Same shit. Again.

"You can smile, I would love to see your smile"

I wasn't dumb not to understand he was trying to flirt. In my life I have seen too many guys flirting with me, so I know.
But he isn't giving me bad vibes. At least not creep. It won't take anything to be polite, Sara.

"You need to work on your flirting skills, mister" Saying that I was about leave but he grinned .
"I would love to learn how to flirt from this beautiful lady"
I rolled my eyes and chuckled "this beautiful lady isn't a professional flirt!! "

He looked at me for a little bit more time than necessary and I let him do that. It's not like he would stop if said stop.
"Zain!! " He extended his hand to greet and I accepted it "Sara here!! "
If he was polite, I wasn't stupid to create scene.

"What are you doing here?? "
A familiar voice came from behind . I know who is it.
My boss again. I know his voice.
Okay, it's been two days I rejoined and I am already regretting it.
I thought he would behave good with me but his presence is enough to irritate me.
I took my hand back and Zain walked towards him.
I turned to look at both of them . I was confused to see them sharing a hug.
"Finally, meeting my darling after a long time"
This guy just kissed my boss on forehead. It took me everything not to laugh.


"Are you single?"
Zain asked checking out Sara who just kept coffee in front of him.
I wasn't surprised by his audacity.I know him from my college time, he is my best friend. He is always like that. Charming and flirt.
But I was surprised when she answered.
"Yes!! "
I could see his eyes were only on her when she walked to me to give me coffee.
I took a look at her. She is beautiful but today she is looking extra beautiful in that peach coloured dress.

How come it fits her so perfect. She should be a super model.

"Ready to mingle?? By any chance!" He asked staring at her.
She gave him a polite smile "I need to go!! "
With that she left and I felt relived. I was impressed by the fact she ignored his question.
But I didn't know that she was single. She never told me. But she didn't tell me she was taken either.
I mean I assumed it by myself, right?
Anyway, why should I care?
It's none of my business.

"I hope you are not finding hook ups in my office" I said lifting my cup.
It wasn't a threat, it was advice. Even if he was my best friend, I know he was a player. A very well experienced player.
You can say ' a woman addicted '

"Oh come on, I already did!! " He sipped his coffee.
"What?? " My heart panicked at his words.
He leaned forward and grinned "your secretary Sara,"
I glared at him sharply as he put his hand on his chest.

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