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Opening the door of my room I directly walked towards the exit, completely ignoring my mom's presence in dining room. She was serving breakfast to my brother.
" Sara!!! "
She called out my name but I ignored.
" Don't go like this, have breakfast baby!! "
Breakfast my foot.
She thinks as I am going to have breakfast with her as if nothing happened.This lady has no self respect. Literally no self respect. She is sentenced to be his slave.
That bastard is just making her life hell but still madam doesn't want to leave him.
Because she loves him.
Really wow!!
And people says love is the best feeling. How could it be best feeling to get treated like a trash. And she is bearing this from twenty seven years.
She should stop using that word as excuse. She doesn't deserve to be treated like this. We deserve a peaceful life.
At least she can think about Ishaan. He is kid.
This is not good for him.
One thing for sure, I will raise him as a good man. He will be an exception for male category. Because all men are jerk.



" Thanks for the breakfast aunty!! ” I passed a smile to our cook and she returned it warmly.
I slipped off my seat and went behind mom's chair to hug her from behind " Bye mom!! "
" Bye shiv, have a good day beta "
"You too"
I kissed her head and then hugged dad " Bye dad!! "
" Bye "

" Let's go, Sachi!! ” I said walking towards the exit but I stopped on my track at her words " I won't go with you "
" Huh? ” I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. Isn't she going to college today? Is she sick?
" What's wrong sweetheart? He will drop you to college na. " Asked mom with concerns.
" No mom, I will go with driver!! "
" But why? " I asked and she still didn't look at me.
" I don't want to bother someone for my work and then bear insult from them that I disturbed them"
I looked at her in disbelief. Did she just taunt me? Seriously.
Just because I scolded her. How is that fair.
Mom looked at me and signaled me to leave. I didn't want to disobey my mom so I left.

I shrugged those soar feelings from my mind. She is just mad at me, it's not a big deal. By the end of the day I am the only person she would come to talk about her day. She can't stay without talking to me for long.
I have that much confidence on myself.


I took a glance outside through glass wall to look at Sara one more time. I don't know why I noticed but she looks lost today.
Today she just did what I told her to do, without rolling eyes, or without showing any annoyance on her face. That's strange.
I told her to bring coffee , she did. I was asking her to come in my off after every thirty minutes, just to irritate her but she did it without any protest.

I wasn't feeling satisfied today. I need to irritate her to the infinity.
I felt a twist in my stomach at the memory of her hand locked with mine yesterday. Though it was just for some seconds but it gave me a strange sensation. Something I never felt before.
I shrugged off my thoughts when she stood up from her seat.
I looked at the clock.
It's lunch time. She must be going to eat. It's my time to bother. I won't let her eat.
I grabbed a random file from the desk and walked out of the cabin hurriedly. But to my surprise she wasn't going to cafeteria. She was standing near the window in corner.
I didn't know why but I walked slowly towards her.
I heard a flick of lighter. She placed a cigarette between her lips and stared at the lighter in her hand. She lit the cigarette and I kept watching her. I was getting a view of her left profile as she was looking outside the window.
Judging by her face I never thought she was smoking kind of person .
But that's the point you can't think about someone's habits by their face.
I saw a water droplet falling from her eye and then rolling down her cheeks.
Unlike everytime, today she was looking dull. There was charm. Only paleness. Her eyes were puffy as if she cried whole night.
The way smoke left her soft pink lips , it was looking like a painting of baby pink and white colour. It looks artistic.
Maybe I should leave her alone. She looks sad, it must be something like she fought with her lover or he said something to her.
I turned to leave but then I heard ringtone and without wasting any second she answered the call.
" What do you want? " She said gritting her teeth in fury.
"Ammi, please don't irritate me! Maine khana khaya nhi khaya vo meri dikkat hai. Aap apna kaam kre. "

It hurted me to the extinct. Okay I can understand if she is sad but who the fuck talk to their mom like that. Is she an idiot?
" Khuda k liye na ye dikhawa mt kijiye, aur agar aapne firse mujhe phone kiya to soch lijiyega "
Saying that she hung up
I looked at her in disgust.
What the hell is wrong with her?
I can't even imagine to talk to my mom like that. She is goddess. In fact every mother is goddess. She doesn't deserve to get insulted like this by her own child for being caring.

She turned to leave but her eyes fell on me. Our eyes locked and she was shocked to see me here.Her were red,eyelashes were drenched. She immediately looked away and walked few steps towards my direction to go back to her desk.

I didn't say a word but I just stared at her. She crossed my way and my eyes were glued on her.
I feet stumbled a little as she was two steps apart from her seat.
And within no second I heard a thud .
My heart raced.
She collapsed on the floor and her lighter straight came to my feet.
" Sara!!! "

Hi guys
First of all sorry for short update. I hope you liked it.
Please tell me in comments how do you like it.

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