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"Look at your shirt and look at the size of your skirt!! It's indecent. "
His words hit me like a truck. I immediately looked at myself to confirm that I am not wearing anything inappropriate.
Just a formal shirt with full sleeves and especially my skirt which is covering me till the knees.
I am not wearing anything different from other female staffs at office.
What the fuck does he mean by size of your skirt??
"Indecent?? " I scoffed.
" Exactly, flaunting your tits and ass like a slut!! That's suggesti...... " His words got cut off by hard slap. He deserved it.

I draw line when it comes to getting insulted and he just called me slut.
For having tits and ass??
He touched his cheek where I slapped him and then looked at me.
I shot him a death glare " Who the fuck give you right to call me that?? And who do you really think you are?? "

I saw his eyes turning red.
But I know I haven't done anything wrong here. I don't regret my action.

" You know what, first go and ask your mom how to talk to woman. "

He was just staring at me blankly. I can't see anger, guilt, self realization, nothing .

" And let me tell you one thing, if you are saying I was trying to seduce you then it's probably you who got seduced without me doing anything and then putting all blame on me.
Can you specify what's wrong with the size of my skirt, it's always guys who are sexualizing normal clothes and normal body type. My ass is part of my body and I am not flaunting it at all. It's just your eyes flaunted it for yourself.
If a woman breathes you think she is seducing you, and keep thinking that because I don't have time to clean your mind. "

I am not scared if he fires me. I just said what I should.
I threw files at him which I was holding and stormed out of there.
I can't work with someone who can't respect me. And this is my final decision.


I threw that file on table as soon as she left my cabin.
What the fuck did I just say??
God dammit!!!
I pulled my hairs back in frustration.

This is insane, I never lost my control over anything but this woman. I never commented on any woman's clothes but today I did.
For the first time a woman slapped me!!
She was right, I was the one who got seduced, it's me who couldn't control his eyes and got tempted,I didn't want to admit that so I put all the blame on her.
Fuck you!!!!
I kicked the table in frustration. I need to fix this. I can't destroy my character. Hating someone is one thing and disrespecting someone brutally is whole different thing.

I walked out of the cabin to meet her but I couldn't see her. Her seat was empty.

I took out my phone and called her " The number you are trying to call is not reachable "
What the fuck!!

I didn't know I fucked up a good time until I received a resignation mail on same evening.
Is she serious??
I mean why??
She resigned only because I shouted on her.
But isn't that what I wanted. I should be happy.
Yeah!!! I am happy that now I don't have to tolerate her.
I am good, I am excellent.
I assured myself again and again, however I knew I was lying to myself.

I was still guilty for talking that way to her.
Never mind!!
Who cares!!
I shut the laptop, keep it aside and decided to go to my gym room. It's almost time.


Sara pov

"What are you doing Api?? "
"Ishu, it's time for you to sleep" I said without looking away from my laptop screen.
" You should sleep too!! " I sighed and tilted my head to look at him.
" Do you need something? " He immediately shook his head as no.
"Then go to bed, I have some important work to complete!! " I refocused on my screen and I knew he wasn't leaving.

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