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"It's glad to finally meet you!! " I smiled at the sweet statement of his father " We have been hearing alot about you lately!! " He huffed looking at Shiv and I turned my head towards my left to look at him.

He gave me a genuine smile I never thought he was capable of that.

"It's my honour to meet you all. " I said to his parents and sister who were sitting across to us on dining table.
She tilted her head from her phone to look at me "Sara...... " She took a pause and stared at me before adding "You are prettier than I thought....... "

She said it with a plain face and tone that I am not if I should take it as a compliment.

"Than you thought? " Shiv glared at her and she mirrored it before adding "yep!! I mean prettier than your previous girl....... You were so serious about!! "

It took me few minutes to process her words and she immediately looked back in her phone.

I glanced at Shiv who was staring at her and seems like she doesn't care. He looked at me with an apologetic face.
I wasn't offended, I was just shocked. Why would his sister say something like that to me, especially when she is not at all interested in what's happening around her.

"Sachi, that's not how you talk to guest!! " Her mom said in warning tone to which she replied without looking away from her phone "Apologies!! "

I never saw someone less sorry about anything. But I don't care anyway.

"I am sorry!! " Shiv mumble which was only audible for both of us. He doesn't have to apologize. I am not even taking her statement so seriously. All I am confused about is she is not at all like he told me. She is cold and ignorant. And he told me otherwise.

A soft caller tune broke the uncomfortable silence in the room. I checked my phone, it was my mom.

"Excuse me.... But I need to take this!! " I said before pushing my chair back, he nodded and I went little far before answering the call.

"Hello!! "

"Hello..... " It wasn't my mother's voice. It was a man.
"Who?? " I frowned.
After talking for few seconds I cut the call and turned back and there he came.

I scratched my nape in nervousness " Listen.... I am... I am really sorry but I need to leave.... "
His eyes thinned in confusion " What?? Why suddenly?? "

"Emergency.... My Ammi is in hospital!! " I bit my lower lip and his face turned serious "what happened to her? Is she alright?? Wait, I will come with you!! "
"No!! " I said in reflex. I don't want to introduce him to my parents, at least not now.

It would be complicated than I can imagine.
He was confused by my loud refusal making me sigh " I mean it's not that serious, please don't bother... "

"I won't be bothered Sara..... What if you need some help, anything can happen at such situation and you.... " I placed a assuring hand on his arm "Relax, I will handle everything don't worry okay.... It would be fine!! "

"Sara, your mom is in hospital..... How can you be so insensitive!! "

"I am not being insensitive. I am doing what is sensible, and trust me it would be difficult if you came along.... Try to understand.... "

He sighed in confusion. Confused between if he should listen to me Or not but he nodded.
"Fine, at least let me walk you out!! " He said guiding me to out " And promise me, that if there is something wrong you won't hesitate to ask me for help... Okay.... You should keep your feminist ego aside when situation is serious instead of being like ' oh yeah... I can do everything all alone... I am strong woman and I don't need anyone especially not men bla bla bla... ’"

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