papa ki pari

691 61 8



I sighed looking at the creature in front of me.
A 5'1 girl who is looking at me with a cheeky smile. Her dark brown almond shaped eyes were sparkling in excitement. Wearing a doremon printed pajamas and hair tied up in bun.

" You were scared right?? ” she laughed and I rolled my eyes. Obviously not. I am not a kid. I pushed her aside by her shoulder to clear my way.
" Try something better Sanchi, we are not kid anymore! ”
I continued to walk inside my house and she followed me. She needs something for sure.
" Yesterday you scolded me *be in your limits, you are just a kid *" She said mocking me, I stayed quite. Yeah, she is right. I said that yesterday. Obviously she is kid and I can scold her.

" You are too young to plan a road trip, but you are old enough to stop doing these dhabba shits. ” I said rolling my eyes and she suddenly walked in front of me, blocking my way.

" Stop acting like a typical possessive elder brother, please ,you are too cool for that." She said with teasing smile.

" I am your elder brother  ” I pocketed  my left hand and flicked her forehead with my finger
"and yes I am damn possessive about my sister ”
She slapped my hand away.

" I was waiting for you, it's past eleven " I knotted my eyebrows in confusion. This is not what I expected her to say. I expected a fight.

"let's go " She grabbed my arm and started dragging me with her.
" Where?? ” she didn't reply until both of us reached her room.
My eyes widened.

"Hell no.... ” I said looking at the mess on her bed.
Bundle of papers, sketch pens, sheets,files and lot more stationary.
It's 11 pm, I am hella tired and I don't want to help her right now. I want to sleep.
" Please Shiuu " She looked at me with those puppy eyes.
" Not again, Sanchi! "
I know her very well. Usual shit, help her with her college work, help her when she messed up something and save her from dad for horrible grades.
Too much for being an elder sibling. My sister is dumb as hell.
So dumb that she spend two thousand for a thing which cost less than 100.
She gets scammed too easily. She is too innocent to survive in this world.
" Tomorrow is the deadline to submit my assignment, I won't be able to do it alone ” she said pulling my sleeve but I jerked her hand.
" So why don't you complete your work on time, don't drag me in this again "
I ran my fingers through my hairs and started heading to my room but she cut my way.
" You are helping me, period " She barked at me.
She does this everytime. I sighed,she is eighteen but still kid for me. And right now I have no choice than helping her out with the college work.

" Fine!! ” I said lazily walking towards her bed.
" Don't make faces, I also help you na!! ” she walked there before me ,settling herself on bed she patted a seat beside her.
It's a lie, she never helped me. Even she can't.
I sat there and grabbed the papers, she explained me what to write, how to write and we started working on her assignment.
" By the way, how was your first day at office?? ” she asked without taking her eyes off from her work.
" Ekdam bakwas " I said recalling the way that idiot girl showed up in front of me today.

" Excuse me? ” she looked at me with offended expressions, when I mentioned her boyfriend.
" Yeah, I made you overwork on purpose, so that you won't be able to meet your boyfriend" I said out of nowhere. That was dumb choice.
She gave me a confused look. I know I shouldn't have done that. I wasn't proud of how mean I behaved with her.
" Actually I heard you talking to him at afternoon " I said without looking at her.
I thought she would say something on this but she just averted her face to other side.
Why the fuck I am feeling so guilty? Did I behave too rude?
" Listen I am really..... ”
" Can you please shut up?? ” she cut my words in middle.
That triggered my ego, I mean I was trying to apologize but she doesn't deserve that.And I am her boss, how dare she to talk to me like that. I am her boss. I am helping her,she should thank me. But her attitude is like she is Queen Victoria. Average papa ki pari.
Now I will make sure to fire her within a month. Thank god I didn't apologize.

" Where are you lost? " Said my sister, shaking my elbow.
" Nothing!! " She looked at me with suspected eyes.
" Let me guess? Your ex showed up at your work? ” she said pointing pencil at me.
Not at all.
She can't do that.
She has no courage to do that.
" No!! ” I said trying to focus on her assignment. I don't want to talk about this. But this brat isn't going to avoid this topic.
" You didn't tell me why did you break up?? ”

I saw that coming.
Oh god!!
What can worse than discussing your break up story with your little sister. Especially when she is gossip queen, drama queen and bitching queen. I know she would use it against me in an stupid argument over icecream bowl or pizza slice.
" Tell me naa!! ” she said pulling my sleeve from side.
" Do you want me to go back to my room , right now? ” I said without looking at her.
I know she wants her assignment done at any cost. She removed her hand and focused on her work.
" Fine, but trust me I will make you spill the tea, some day. ”
" All the best!! "

Next morning

I covered my ears with pillow and groaned hearing that annoying alarm
" Sanchi!!!!!!! Turn it off!! ”
I didn't get the response and it rang again.
" Turn it off!!!! ” I screamed.
" Let me sleep dude” I said covering my face with the blanket. I slept at four in morning. For God sake.

" Why are you shouting??  It's your phone, not my alarm” she pulled cover off my face.
" Wake up, it's already nine!! ” she said, and I stretched out my eyes. I was trying to open them fully but I couldn't. Only thing I could see was blurry image of my devil standing beside bed, completely ready.
I rubbed my hand over my face lazily .
" Please, I am saying please don't disturb me, if you want to stay alive. "
" Listen I will be leaving for my classes in ten minutes , you can sleep as long as you want, but at least answer that call!! ”

She forced me to hold me phone " Hello! Sir good morning! ”
I don't know who is on the other side but who cares.
"  Good morning,Please don't call again, I will kill you!! ”
The next moment she snatched phone from me " Idiot! ”

" Thank you!! " I said covering my face again.



I looked up at the clock, it's nine already. We had meeting at 8:30 .
What kind of CEO gets late for his own company?
I called him at least five times. None of them is answered by my dear sir.
These clients are already getting crazy as I postponed this meeting at last moment.
I can't do that again. It's rude.

I dialed again, again it ringed, again no one is answering.
I sighed in relief when he picked up the call " Hello, sir good morning!! ” I gave my hundred percent to sound polite.
" Good morning”  I heard a sleepy voice. God dammit!! His voice.
So deep.
My heart beat raised for a second . I said second because next second he disappointed me with his stupid illogical reply .
" Please don't call again, I will kill you” I was about to curse him in my mind but I got confused hearing a female voice " Idiot!! ”
I didn't get whom she called idiot.
" Hello” she said in sweet voice.
" I am really sorry on his behalf!! ”
" Can I talk to Mr. Shiv? " I asked ignoring my extra thoughts about this girl.
" Actually, he is sleeping, I'll tell you to call him once he is awake. ”
" No, please it's urgent we have meeting!! " I said.
" Oooo!!”
" Yeah!! ”
" Wait”
" Shiuuuu, wake up!! ”
I heard her on call.
What Shiuu!! What kind of name is that?
And my first question is who is she?

" Hey, my baby boy, please wake up, you have to go for a meeting!! ” I widened my eyes.
No, she can't be his girlfriend. He just broke up two days ago. But she is with him when he is sleeping?
Whatever, none of my business!
His personal shit.
" Hello.. " She called me.
" Yeah.... ”
" Don't worry I will send him as soon as possible!! ”
" Okay!! , but please hurry!! ”
" Yeah!! ”

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